Example sentences of "['s] [noun sg] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Core 's defence relied on the claim that the materials were for artistic purposes , a defence recognised in British law .
2 On the far side of Farringdon Road , Graham passed Easton Street where another painter 's or window-cleaner 's cradle lay on the pavement , up-ended for some reason , neat coils of rope around it .
3 An oval mirror , pock-marked and fly-stained , was set in the top of this extravagant and monstrous contraption and next to it stood a hollow elephant 's foot mounted on a wooden base .
4 As Seawitch rolled heavily Polly 's foot slipped on the wet deck and she stumbled backwards , pulling Nathan with her .
5 Since the profession 's livelihood depended on the public having confidence in its members ' integrity and professional ability , he warned , those who did break the rules would be dealt with swiftly , effectively and fairly .
6 Was the rule in Pinnel 's Case binding on the House of Lords ?
7 The applicant 's case depends on the evidence and opinions of Miss Massiter …
8 Pleming said the government 's case rested on the plan to take topsoil from Oxleas Wood to nearby Woodlands Farm and plant trees there .
9 Nozick 's case rests on the view that so long as one is not acting for the reason that one 's action will favour one of the parties or hinder the other , but for a valid independent reason , then one 's neutrality is intact .
10 FoE 's case rests on the fact that levels are above the standards laid down by the European Commission .
11 FOE 's case hinges on the " undertakings " made by water suppliers as part of the privatization process , under which the government allowed them a period of grace in which to bring water quality up to legal minimum standards .
12 Is it really any more rational to deny rather than affirm — am I , for example , sure that I mean by God what a religious person does , because if I do not then my dismissal of God 's existence rests on a logical non sequitur .
13 Major 's decision to rely on a press resume written by others , and so avoid personally confronting the welter of hostile headlines , mocking columns and cartoons , is not the only symptom of bunker mentality .
14 All of which suggests that the government 's decision to pounce on the PAC was a reaction to threat and counter-threat rather than a conspiracy to undermine Mr de Klerk 's own negotiations .
15 In the wake of the F-111s that had flown out from their British bases to bomb targets in Tripoli and Benghazi , Mutual Radio 's correspondent arrived on the scene on 17 April with a laissez passer from the Libyan Consulate in Zurich .
16 Almost 40 per cent of the country 's budget goes on the 57,000-strong civil service .
17 Instead , the quality of a Christian 's experience depends on the quality of his faith , just as the quality of his faith depends in turn on the quality of his understanding of God 's truth .
18 Even if the original tenant is forced to join a guarantor , it may be advisable for the guarantor 's covenant to be amended to provide for the guarantor 's liability to cease on an assignment by the tenant .
19 The case of City of London Corporation v Fell [ 1992 ] 2 EG 172 came to the surprising conclusion that unless the lease provides otherwise ( eg by providing that the original tenant 's obligations will remain in place during a statutory tenancy ) , where the lease has been assigned and the present tenant is holding over , the original tenant 's liability ends on the contractual term date .
20 As she went to answer she noticed a white envelope addressed to her in Luke 's handwriting lying on the doormat .
21 A staggering 20,000 enquiries followed Pamela 's debut broadcast on the subject of Alar , which emerged as a potential carcinogen in an independent UK survey on pesticide technology ; and enquiries are still flooding in .
22 These rather artificial bridges from one group of questions to another are useful for keeping the candidate 's mind focused on the right area of response and for helping the interviewer see his/her way through the prearranged structure of the interview .
24 When she went back to the kitchen Penry 's tray stood on the counter , the plates satisfactorily empty .
25 Jack 's glance fell on the tiny computer screen , which seemed to be going crazy — flashing up numbers , graphics and a kind of blue fuzz , each image speeding into the next .
26 This is a book of a lifetime 's study undertaken on the Ythan Estuary near Aberdeen of a duck that is , in many respect , unusual .
27 The Library Association 's Guidance notes on the Code of Professional Conduct contain much that is pertinent to the question of censorship and access of information , as one might expect .
28 As she went through the hall , though , she glanced out of the front windows , and gave a loud groan as she saw Eleanor 's car parked on the drive outside .
29 Pamella 's lawyer arrived on the island , and the two met .
30 Alison Walker 's mouth quivered on a tearful smile .
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