Example sentences of "a [noun sg] eye " in BNC.

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1 The dark bay was a seventeen-hand mare , perhaps young , beautifully conformed , with a kind eye and immaculately turned out .
2 We have a specialist eye unit but also the specialists work very closely with the plastic surgeons and we 're a major regional centre for operations on the head and neck
3 a dead spring 's fingerprint or a watering eye
4 Each air eye shares a lens with a water eye but has a separate pupil and retina .
5 Or view the wretched with a melting Eye ,
6 Oh yes , I 've had one or two one or two er I thi I ca n't think of the stallion 's name , he had a wall eye this beast did .
7 Five months on , seeing Lisa with a plastic eye and seeing how she is , she gets so upset , I would like to have the law changed .
8 For an eleven year old schoolgirl , it 's not easy coming to terms with having a plastic eye .
9 Five months on , seeing Lisa with a plastic eye and seeing how she is , she gets so upset , I 'd really like to have the law changed covering guns .
10 Many limbs carry special tools moulded from the chitin — pouches for holding pollen , combs for cleaning a compound eye , spikes to act as grappling irons and notches with which to fiddle a song .
11 It has been estimated , for example , that a compound eye would need to be about a metre across to match the resolution of our eyes .
12 Other crustaceans have a compound eye like insects ( really a bank of lots of tiny eyes ) , while other molluscs , as we have seen , have a lensed camera-eye like ours , or a pinhole camera-eye .
13 This design of eye reveals far less detail than a camera eye .
14 and waited under a camera eye as the door clanked and banged upward to reveal a small covered garage yard .
15 Patients not already under the care of a hospital eye clinic also receive an annual eye test prompt and a map identifying local optometrists who perform refraction and dilated funduscopy .
16 In this scheme , with the approval of participating general practitioners , optometrists may refer patients directly to a hospital eye clinic by ticking the referral box on the optical review form .
17 At the start of the study 70 patients in the control group and 74 in the prompted group were not currently attending a hospital eye clinic .
18 Responsibility for retinal screening lay with optometrists unless the patient was already under the care of a hospital eye clinic .
19 Were they keeping a glass eye on him , these grotesque , moth-eaten remnants ?
20 He did n't notice that one of them was a glass eye .
21 A glass eye rolled out of its socket .
22 Pupils can sometimes be diffident in expressing their anxieties about their visual condition and may be greatly helped if they can talk to someone knowledgeable and experienced in such matters who is unlikely to be surprised by incidents which can be a worry to some youngsters , such as , for instance , a glass eye lost in the swimming pool or the effect of strong light on a photophobic ( averse to glare ) pupil which makes him sit with closed eyes .
23 First she was blind and then when she was a bit older they fitted her with a glass eye .
24 Did you know he had a glass eye ? ’
25 He had a glass eye .
26 He 's got a glass eye and a wooden leg !
27 Why , in all the hundreds of millions of years since its ancestors first evolved a pinhole eye , did it never discover the principle of the lens ?
28 A topiary squirrel keeps a way eye on Cormack .
29 Riderhood 's daughter , Pleasant , is an unlicensed pawnbroker in a very small way of business : ‘ possessed of what is colloquially termed a swivel eye
30 The lesson Conran has learned is never to make general statements to the press that can be quoted out of context and always to keep a weather eye on the latest fads in the City .
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