Example sentences of "['s] [noun] and [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 As though the heat of the liquid burning her lips reminded her where she was , she looked away from the cat 's cradle and made her eyes focus on her guest .
2 She bit Doyle 's fingers and jerked her mouth free of them , shouting the words that came into her head .
3 They were simple potions , meant to relieve the pains in Lady Eleanor 's chest and afford her sleep . ’
4 We caught the bus back to Ellen 's apartment and collected her clothes and notebooks .
5 Mada Joyce picked a wisp of grass from her daughter 's hair and stroked her round cheek .
6 It had been deepest at the moment just inside the Bleech-Palmer front door when , as always , Daphne set her plump hands on Cecilia 's shoulders and lifted her lips to Cecilia 's cheek .
7 Sleepy and cold in the back of Dada 's slow , unheated monster , Andrew put an arm round Nicandra 's shoulders and pulled her close for warmth and company .
8 5 The defender grasps the attacker 's shoulders and raises her knee .
9 Only then does she become a full member of her husband 's lineage and secure her old age even in the absence of her husband .
10 He risked a soaking of foam as he darted out to cut his mooring lines , then twisted Dream Baby 's wheel and thrust her throttles forward .
11 She put her arm round Maureen 's neck and kissed her cheek .
12 Sarah was invited to Diana 's wedding and entertained her royal friend in her apartment near Clapham Junction in south London .
13 Even if she 'd dabbed Mummy 's eyes and wiped her brow with a hanky soaked in cologne .
14 Melissa strolled across , leaned against Iris 's fence and closed her eyes , listening to the bleating of young lambs and the chuckle of a solitary starling on the roof .
15 ‘ OK , ’ she nodded quickly , and noticed as she left the veranda that Bill Hamilton had moved closer to his wife 's side and engulfed her slim artist 's hand in his larger , stronger one in a gesture of silent support .
16 She returned Charlotte 's gaze and sipped her tea , apparently content to let the pretence go undisguised .
17 A BOGUS social worker conned his way into a young mother 's home and molested her two-year-old son , police revealed last night .
18 She pulled her hand from Cleo 's grip and grabbed her wrists .
19 An example of the first process is a mother 's tendency to ‘ fuss ’ over a female child 's appearance and to stress her prettiness — ‘ You are a pretty little girl ’ .
20 But a casual um or oh ? a discreet sloshing of more wine would bring pink to Lucy 's cheeks and untie her tongue .
21 Molly had buttoned up the braces on Jacqueline 's trousers and found her youngest child a biscuit when she heard the screams .
22 Maggie was about to refuse but she caught that sceptical look in the count 's eye and changed her mind .
23 I am learning that to narrow a woman 's focus and to make her faceless , as the fog does every day , turns her despite herself against the things she loves best .
24 On the nights when the tide of sewing ebbed to a low water-mark , Aunt Margaret crept up to Francie 's room and played her flute with him .
25 A thief gained entry to the guest 's room and stole her property .
26 Anne and Mrs Bennet quickly cleared the thick layer of gritty dust which lay over everything in Julia 's room and remade her bed .
27 She flipped open Chris 's diary and ran her finger down the entries .
28 Many of the protesters , together with much of the black press , attempted to publicise the jogger 's name and to vilify her character , claiming variously that she had never been attacked , that she had been raped by her white boyfriend , or that she had gone to the park in search of sexual adventure .
29 Her eyes levelled appraisingly at Christina , who flushed at the mention of Martin 's name and buried her face behind the menu .
30 she feels he is common , poor boy and he does n't even realise that Miss Havisham is actually only using Estella as a tool , a beautiful tool , to break men 's hearts and to get her revenge on the male sex .
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