Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [subord] it [be] " in BNC.

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1 Similar to ( age-related ) personal allowance , the married couple 's age-related increases are subject to a couple 's income so it is possible that they might get less than the full addition — or maybe nothing extra at all .
2 If , as is the case in most households , only one room can be spared for her , it will be greatly to everyone 's advantage if it is big enough to take her bed , wardrobe and dressing-table , and other necessary items of furniture plus two comfortable armchairs and a television set and radio , so that she can be on her own when she likes , with her favourite programmes ( which may not always be yours ) and able to entertain a friend in the privacy of her own small domain when she wants to , with familiar things around her which help her to preserve her identity and links with the past .
3 The baby continues taking its mother 's milk until it is at least two years old .
4 This warranty has arisen from US practice but in the UK the acquirer 's solicitors should check on the seller 's authorities as it is not usual practice for the solicitors of one party to render a formal legal opinion to another party , each party being expected to seek and rely on advice from its own solicitors .
5 Every movement on stage has to be a conscious effort on the dancer 's part if it is to make its proper impact .
6 The conditions of engagement show that the valuer accepts liability in tort to the borrower and the society but this has no additional consequence where the valuer is liable to the society under his contract of employment and the society would be vicariously liable to the borrower for the valuer 's negligence if it were not already liable to the borrower under a contract .
7 His hair , cut short , was flattened here and there , like an animal 's fur when it is out of sorts .
8 Everything is designed , used and tested in Madeleine 's kitchen before it is put into production .
9 Thus , pupils moving around the system can enhance a school 's provision if it is a net gainer but cause severe problems very quickly if it is a net loser .
10 I always left the dollop of jam in the middle of my mother 's puddings until it was the last mouthful .
11 All average rents on our stock across the whole of the south east is twenty seven pounds a week erm , I think is , is the figure now the bulk of that funded down to the old er regime that we had from the housing corporation where we got er , a lot more grant and we had the residual line and the money we 've had to borrow ourselves for the scheme was actually from the corporation themselves that all changed in the ninety eighty eight housing act and we now get a fixed er , sum of monies , it 's fixed percentage of local cost from the housing corporation and the balance has to be borrowed from a private lender just like anybody else going out and and buying a home , if you like er , from a , a bank , from a building society or somebody like that and we have to charge a rent er to the property that will repay that loan and , the way in which we actually do it is , is we charge a lower rent and actually who pays the rent quite substantially below that er , because erm the rent on these properties if we i if we charge what the the housing corporation 's grant as it 's set would be round about ten , twelve pounds more expensive than that .
12 The House of Lords held that the effect of the clause was not merely to bar proceedings but to extinguish the carrier 's liability if it was not complied with .
13 He said : ‘ I can tell a smoker 's hair since it is more dull and lacks the sheen of a non-smoker .
14 We must build our Darcy 's Utopia before it is too late .
15 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
16 I think that B eight was not upper most in the department 's mind when it was making its er views known about a major exceptions policy .
17 On receipt of the summons , he sent a copy to Edward ( who was in Wales ) , and immediately wrote to the nobles and communes of the duchy , ordering them to prepare themselves to serve ‘ with arms and horses ’ ( cum armis et equis ) , and to make ready so that they might obey Edward 's command when it was known .
18 On this basis , Mr Davies , a local Transport and General Workers Union official , will have captured the nomination if he took just over half of Ms Wilson 's vote when it was redistributed in the second ballot .
19 Mr Nicholas Winterton ( C. Macclesfield ) announced that he would not be supporting the bill in Monday 's vote because it was ‘ severely flawed ’ .
20 The aircraft was saved from the scrapman 's axe when it was moved to Mourillan at Toulon in the south of France , for use as a training airframe .
21 The ears usually only flatten onto the back of the horse 's neck when it is all too late , and the horse is already lunging at its opponent with its teeth bared !
22 The warning came after thieves took the bag from the medic 's car while it was parked in the Moulsham Street area of Chelmsford late on Monday night .
23 The court heard how in February 1977 he 'd jumped into Janie 's car while it was parked in West London and forced her to drive to the countryside at knife point .
24 ‘ There was a golf-bag in John Bonnard 's car when it was passed through Customs .
25 The announcement managed to elevate the NT import to the level of a strategic operating system for DEC , which is embracing it as a ‘ corporate solution ’ , language rarely heard from DEC 's mouth unless it 's talking about VAX/VMS .
26 I do n't know what happened , but over the years it was me who came to the band 's aid when it was needed .
27 The Church , the vicar and the Archdeacon and the Bishop all weighed in on Gray 's side so it was quietly dropped and he got his parish here a year later .
28 The old mandarin allowed his eyelids to droop fractionally in acknowledgment of the American 's compliment when it was translated but otherwise held his face expressionless .
29 They have also appealed for help in tracing the blue van 's movements since it was sold privately three weeks ago .
30 The text of the new treaty was substantively identical to that negotiated with the Soviet Union in 1991 , dropping the 1948 commitment for either side to come to the other 's assistance if it were attacked .
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