Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [prep] mr [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The nuclear establishment 's response to Mr Lawson 's invitation to prepare a new R&D programme for fast reactors ( New Scientist , 2 December , p 547 ) will almost certainly be met with the suggestion that without another large reactor there can be no R&D programme .
2 When The Waste Land appeared , Untermeyer had become more irate : ‘ The Dial 's award to Mr T. S. Eliot and the subsequent bookpublication of his The Waste Land have occasioned a display of some of the most enthusiastically naive superlatives that have ever issued from publicly sophisticated iconoclasts ’ .
3 He repeated the Government 's support for Mr Patten , who embarked on his reforms last October , and said that publication of the plans was only a first step which should not be an obstacle to talks with Beijing .
4 In 1979 , Left-wingers could blame Labour 's defeat on Mr Callaghan 's small ‘ c ’ conservatism .
5 After Tony Benn 's defeat by Mr Kinnock , Labour raised the threshold from 15 per cent of MPs to 40 MPs — ‘ too high ’ one Tory whip said yesterday .
6 Barclay 's son James , who died in 1771 at the age of twenty-four , was the youthful author of An Examination of Mr Kenrick 's Review of Mr Johnson 's Edition of Shakespeare ( 1766 ) .
7 Conservatives complain that interviews with them were broadcast out of peak time and that the programme 's interview with Mr Kinnock was soft compared with the grilling of Mr Major .
8 The boy who appeared in the dock in his school blazer and can not be identified under an order made under the Children and Young Person 's Act by Mr Justice Garland denies attempted rape and indecent assault on February 29 this year .
9 Right now , Iran benefits from being part of the UN 's siege of Mr Hussein .
10 Johnson also read a little — in his room he had works by his erstwhile host Lord Monboddo , and Laurence Sterne 's Sermons of Mr Yorick ( interestingly , Boswell does not give the full title , merely calling it Sermons , a deference perhaps to the scandal the book had caused when it appeared in 1760 ) .
11 In any case , I did not linger long enough — as I was obliged to explain to his lordship shortly afterwards — to hear anything that would give a clue as to M. Dupont 's attitude to Mr Lewis 's remarks .
12 They account for our general sense of the appropriacy and inappropriacy of language as reflected in impromptu observations about style , varying from Queen Victoria 's remark on Mr Gladstone that " he speaks to Me as if I were a public meeting " , to more everyday comments like " No one would ever speak like that " , and to attributions like colloquial , journalistic , biblical , childlike , pedantic .
13 They welcomed last month 's initiative by Mr Bush and called for a summit with him within 90 days .
14 The last straw , he maintained , was the education minister 's criticism of Mr Rabin for reciting the Jewish affirmation of faith , ‘ Hear O Israel ’ , at a Holocaust memorial ceremony at the site of the Warsaw ghetto .
15 Apple Computer 's relationship with Mr Allan Lorenz , who was hired from a giant insurance firm , CIGNA , to beef up Apple 's appeal to corporate accounts , ended in tears .
16 Guttersnipe , as a gentleman of the old school , chooses to believe that Miss Lowe 's relationship with Mr Schofield is purely platonic .
17 Win or lose at Glastonbury Town Hall , the inquiry will not be the end of the council 's dealings with Mr Sweet .
18 François d'Aubert , the centrist vice-chairman of the French National Assembly 's finance committee has asked for details of the bank 's dealings with Mr Parretti .
19 The Socialist party leader , Laurent Fabius , said Mr Chirac 's call for Mr Mitterrand to quit showed that the RPR , which he called ‘ the party of arrogance ’ , was trying to seize a monopoly of power .
20 Application by Christie 's exporting to Mr A. Gernsheim Jutta , Aubonne , Switzerland , at £83,812 .
21 Application by Christie 's exporting to Mr E. Scheinberg , New York , at £35,670 .
22 Application by Christie 's exporting to Mr T. Clode , Jersey , Channel Island , at £83,812 .
23 British officials understand China 's concern at Mr Patten 's plans — but he has to come up with arrangement for elections in 1995 and although the colony 's business community is cool towards them there are growing demands for democracy .
24 She denied that the company 's approach to Mr Bond had artificially inflated the price .
25 Left the daddy 's list with Mr Moore ( of Moore 's Models ) and then went off for a bit of a stroll around .
26 YESTERDAY 's statement from Mr Nicholas Ridley on the Bar low Clowes affair marks an extraor dinary about-turn for a Government which has always denied any legal responsibility for the losses suffered by 18,000 investors .
27 Dr Owen 's endorsement for Mr Major could help to swing some undecided voters back to the Conservatives .
28 Yesterday 's hearing before Mr Justice Schiemann was on the issue of whether the claim fell within the legal time limit .
29 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
30 He must certainly see about spectacles ; it would be worse than anything if he were compelled to give up the reader 's position with Mr Lamprey .
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