Example sentences of "['s] [noun] that in the " in BNC.

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1 She first confirmed Watson 's hypothesis that in the tobacco mosaic virus small protein sub-units were arranged in a helical fashion .
2 Mr Clarke said later that no decision had been taken to do away with the pay formula , but he added : ‘ However I can not agree that firefighters should be an exception to the Government 's policy that in the current pay round the rises of all public sector employees should not exceed 1.5 per cent and that there could not be any catching up settlement thereafter . ’
3 It is a sign of the programme 's success that in the UK in the mid-1980s there were 283,000 Limousin inseminations ( from 40 bulls ) , representing more than 10 per cent of all artificial inseminations .
4 Whether we would be correct to conclude from this that in manic-depression mania was produced by a quasi-toxic suppression of the superego I do not know , but if would certainly accord well with Freud 's suggestion that in the manic interludes in depression we witness ‘ a magnificent festival of the ego , which might then once again feel satisfied with itself ’ .
5 It is clear from Clarkson 's History that in the early years of the anti-slave trade agitation local organisations were established through existing religious networks ( an example would be the Quaker Lloyds in Birmingham ) or contact by Clarkson or others with a small group of prominent individuals who already had an interest in the issue .
6 On 11 September 1889 it was reported at a Sunday School teachers ' meeting that in the will of the late Mr James Johnston a substantial legacy had been left for the building of a Sunday School Chapel in Edenderry .
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