Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] give " in BNC.

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1 A wary look came into Johnny 's eyes and he gave her a quick glance of alarm .
2 I would n't mind betting that Bill 's lists that you gave him actually contained all these things and only then can we actually put them down in order .
3 But you can see that er for someone who has no , a wife who has no income and her husband 's paying twenty five percent or forty percent then by moving a , say er twenty thousand at erm well er whatever percentage to fill up these allowances er if you 're getting ten thousand or twenty thousand put , put it into the wife 's name that they give us the interest is then hers , if she has no other income it neatly can be swallowed up by the allowance .
4 Using someone 's name when you give appreciation is often a nice touch .
5 Indeed , Eleanor Rathbone condemned what she viewed as the selfishness of middle class women who , having got ‘ all they wanted for themselves out of the women 's movement when it gave them the vote , the right to stand for Parliament and the local authorities , and to enter the learned professions ’ , then sat back .
6 A highlight was a party in the children 's hospital where we gave presents to all of the children , mums and staff as well as handing over medical supplies and a lap-top computer .
7 Like Alexei , he had nails on the ends of his fingers instead of talons , and he stared at Alexei 's hands as he gave him a filled cup , then raised his eyes and bowed solemnly .
8 The next minute , he was clutching Joan 's hand as she gave birth to a daughter .
9 Sociologists are often attracted by Weber 's account because it gives an explanation for the distinct differences in life-chances between different strata in contemporary capitalism .
10 So in my new bedroom ( which used to be Pa 's office until he gave it up , just for me , and moved into the caravan ) , we work out a prayer together , to help me not to be led into temptation again .
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