Example sentences of "a [noun] court " in BNC.

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1 In an unusual move , the full Court of Appeals in a 10–2 decision , threw out the ruling , by one of its own panels as well as a trial court , which held a provision of the British-US extradition treaty unconstitutional .
2 So United States courts have declared invalid service which met the requirements of state law or of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure but which did not meet the terms of the convention and a Netherlands court has refused to grant exequatur to a Belgian judgment granted after service which complied with Belgian law but not the convention 's requirements .
3 The leisure centre , which will cost the company £1.4 million , will include a badminton court , a dance studio/gymnasium , changing facilities , reception , an office , stores and a bar .
4 In the first ruling of its kind in the Soviet Union , a Moscow court on Oct. 12 sentenced Konstantin Smirnov-Ostashvili , a leader of the extreme Russian nationalist Pamyat organization , to two years in a labour camp for inciting racial hatred .
5 Valeria Novodvorskaya , a leader of the opposition Democratic Union , was sentenced by a Moscow court on March 1 to two years in a labour camp for " insulting the state flag " , after burning a USSR flag during a demonstration in Moscow 's Pushkin Square in September 1990 .
6 When he was tried by a University Court which still had the theoretical right to condemn its students to death , he was ‘ allowed ’ to escape to America where he became one of the United States ' greatest surgeons .
7 Although Mr Justice Nolan rejected the Woolwich 's claim , a majority Court of Appeal decision found in the building society 's favour .
8 ABE NATHAN , the former RAF Spitfire pilot who for 23 years has led an often lonely crusade for peace , was jailed for six months yesterday by a Ramla court for breaking an Israeli anti-terrorism law by meeting the PLO chairman , Yasser Arafat , in September last year .
9 Mr Carnogurksy was charged with subversion for organising a pro-democracy petition , but was found not guilty by a Bratislava court on November 23 .
10 They 've got a Tanners Court .
11 Fairlie Arrow , 28 , who vanished in a publicity stunt to boost her career , was fined £2,300 plus £8,000 costs by a Queensland court for wasting police time .
12 Their Lordships find it quite impossible to say that he was in error , and still less in the kind of error which would entitle a reviewing court to intervene , by making the choice which he did .
13 I do not propose to speculate as to the decision of a reviewing court on the question of reasonableness .
14 ‘ Where Parliament has designated a public officer as decision-maker for a particular class of decisions the High Court , acting as a reviewing court under Order 53 , is not a court of appeal .
15 Thus far we have seen that the perspective from which to view bias is to be that of the reasonable man ; it is not to be the individual affected himself ( because he may be perverse , oversensitive , etc. ) , nor is it to be the ex post detachment of a reviewing court , ( which is the disagreement with the Barnsley formulation ) .
16 The grant of jurisdiction to a tribunal or other decision-maker must involve a power to come to a decision which in the opinion of a reviewing court may well be wrong .
17 A velvet court dress made for him by his fellow tailors is to go on show at the Croydon Museum .
18 Earlier this year , a Texas court ordered Coopers , along with a former Miniscribe chairman and the company 's investment bank , to pay almost $600m in compensation and punitive damages to Miniscribe 's bondholders ( see ACCOUNTANCY , March , p 16 ) .
19 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
20 Idly flicking over , there were riots outside a Brooklyn court as a black youth was acquitted of the murder in New York of an Hassidic Jew .
21 His work under the commission , and under a second court of claims appointed under the 1665 Act of Explanation , occupied him until 1669 , when the court 's work was complete .
22 When Mary Queen of Scots went to Edinburgh she bewailed going out among savages , and she herself went from a sixteenthcentury court that held but a barbarous , or rather a drivelling and idiotic and superficial travesty of the Italian culture as it had been before the debacle of 1527 .
23 A date has now been set for a Circuit Court Hearing in June of 1993 , almost two years since the date of his dismissal .
24 Three managers of the German firm Imhausen-Chemie were sentenced by a Mannheim court on Oct. 9 to suspended prison terms ranging from 10 to 16 months for contravention of foreign trade laws in exporting materials to Libya between 1984 and 1988 for use in a chemical weapons factory at Rabta , south of Tripoli .
25 A magistrate , who , as a member of a licensing court and court of appeal , had taken part in a decision to grant no certificates for the sale of spirits within the burgh , was held not to be thereby disqualified from trying one of the applicants affected by the decision for trafficking in spirits without a certificate : Gorman v. Wright , 1916 S.C .
26 Ptr. , 1960 S.L.T. ( Notes ) 3 , where the executor of a deceased licence holder to whom the licence had been transferred failed , through inadvertence , not only to apply for a renewal at the next half-yearly meeting , but also to request a licensing court to deal with the matter at an adjourned meeting .
27 The decision in Bell was held to be of doubtful validity in Maitland Ptr. , 1961 S.L.T. 384 , where a licensing court was directed to hold a special sitting after it had , per incuriam , failed to declare a provisional grant final .
28 685 , where , as a result of there being no quorum at a half yearly meeting of a licensing court , the meeting could not be adjourned under the existing legislation and the Court of Session had to intervene by virtue of its nobile officium in order to prevent the expiry of certificates due for renewal at the meeting .
29 The 1959 Act ( s.32 ) enabled a licensing court to grant licences for the sale of alcoholic liquor to " such and so many persons as the court shall think fit . "
30 In McEwan v. Fort William JJ. , November 18 , 1898 , a licensing court was ordained by the Court of Session to hear and determine , of new , an application for a certificate which had been disposed of out of its proper order .
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