Example sentences of "and live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would have had it done , ’ said the owner , a small , pale woman , ‘ but I 'm selling up to go and live with my sister and it did n't seem worth it . ’
2 They forgot briefly that they were having a fight ; instead they had a happy half-hour of fantasy about what books they could write and read and live with .
3 In the spring , almost without knowing how it happened , she accepted Rachel 's invitation to go and live with her in the new house she was buying in London .
4 I 'll come and live with you .
5 If Viola were willing to come and live with him , they could have romantic evenings alone without Gina .
6 She had arranged to go and live with a niece , whose husband was out of work ; the couple would look after the old lady together .
7 None of the children wanted to go and live with their birth parents , but simply to keep contact .
8 You can come and live with us afterwards if you like . ’
9 When a son or daughter decides to settle down and live with a partner for the foreseeable future , rather than getting married , the situation is different .
10 Then , when she met you she fell in love and wanted to come and live with you .
11 Do you want a man who perfectly fits your fantasy ( better cancel the church now ) , or a man you can love and live with ?
12 Then his mother had married again , to a PT Instructor who beat Luke up so badly that a court ruled he should go and live with Bart full time .
13 The lady Anne has talked of little else since she met you and would be overjoyed , I know , were you able in due course to come and live with us .
14 So he invited my mother 's unmarried sister , my aunt , to come and live with us .
15 I want to stay here and live with Miss Honey and she says that I can but only if you give me permission !
16 From stories handed down , it seems that the Frenchman saw Marama , insisted on painting her straight away , and then said she was the most beautiful woman he 'd ever seen and begged her to come and live with him .
17 By the time this chore was finished , I was so tired I fell into a doze on the veranda , dreaming of a Gauguin nude of Aleena 's grandmother , and then of a painting of Tiare and her daughter , and then how easy it would be if they could all come and live with me and we could just hang the pictures on the walls and enjoy them .
18 Such a passage was not an attractive prospect , for the Lieutenant would be obliged to pay £25 towards the cost of his accommodation , yet he would have to ‘ be a servant in fact as well as nominally , that is he must eat and live with the servants of the officers of the ship and those of the passengers , no verry desirable berth for a gentleman ’ .
19 This style is easy to create and live with , and combines well with traditional antiques and furnishings .
20 She thought it quite wonderful that this kind man , who was not married , who had a job , who was on Lambeth Council 's housing list , actually wanted Tina to go and live with him .
21 Can I come and live with you and help you ?
22 So that my father could come down and live with me .
23 I came out of the orphanage to go and live with my mother and I found myself one of the family of six living in one room , the house was a four roomed house plus a scullery .
24 If her father got himself a place she 'd go and live with him .
25 You 've got no police record and there 's no reason you should n't go back and live with ordinary people .
26 I advised Paulette to come and live with me , or with our cousin .
27 I feel that these difficulties have gone on too long for there to be a realistic prospect of change in time for these children and given their improvement whilst in foster care , where they are not brought up in their parents ' conflict , it is not in the children 's interests for them to go and live with the father and that they need to be placed in an environment with permanent substitute parents , who can meet the boys ' physical , emotional , educational and social needs .
28 She said , ‘ I suppose I could always go and live with Bertha , if Nell really does n't need me . ’
29 ‘ I 'm very happy to come and live with you , and belong to you .
30 LADY DAVERS : Brother , dearest , have you determined as yet to let Pamela come and live with me ?
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