Example sentences of "and placed in " in BNC.

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1 In possessing her , he is both taken out of , and placed in possession of , himself : ‘ She gave me the idea of my manliness I had grown to need . ’
2 Each film will be introduced , and placed in context , and there will be discussions after the screening .
3 A third voice , represented by normal type and placed in the conventional part of the page , is itself like another ritual , a fact emphasized by the incantatory effect of semantic and lexical patterning in the repeated , only slightly varied form ,
4 In the box under layers of tissue paper lay a doll which Mrs Hollidaye lifted out and placed in Dot 's arms .
5 In the first place she is anxious because she has been taken from her companions and familiar environment , and placed in a foreign country .
6 Some boarding schools charge up to £10,000 per annum so its little wonder that a rising number of children are being taken away and placed in cheaper day schools or back into state schools .
7 Only in 396 , when Sant' Ambrogio had the remains of the saint brought to the city and placed in the church , did the name finally change to San Nazaro .
8 Control knobs may be detached and placed in the frier basket for soaking which is a process that also cleans the basket .
9 This was transferred to Wolverton from Derby and placed in one bay of the vacated Shell Machine Shop .
10 On completion of this operation , the assembly was lifted by overhead crane and placed in the inverted position of carriers .
11 Stony Stratford men could have their lunch cooked at home and placed in a basket , labelled , and school children would then rush them to the top of the town and the tram would make an express run for one penny per lunch basket .
12 The amount provided in the original cash float is deducted and placed in a separate banker 's bag .
13 Imagine two criminals , partners in crime , who are arrested and placed in separate cells with no means of communication .
14 The young squirrel had been caught and placed in a box .
15 Legend maintains that his remains were removed from Monkton kirkyard and placed in the monument but this can not be substantiated .
16 Through influential friends , he was made a member of the Society of the Middle Temple in 1820 , and placed in the office of two eminent solicitors , a Mr. Justice Patterson , and a Sir Nicholas Tindal who later became the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales .
17 Outside , the pavilion was packed and placed in its wagon , and the file reassembled , creased and pallid in daylight , to make its way back to beds , warmth and comfort .
18 Minutes later the gift was paid for and placed in her arms , and James went upstairs to visit the man 's sick wife .
19 A further two weeks later eight Pimelodus pictus were purchased and placed in the tank .
20 Later the racks , complete with baby oysters are lifted and placed in net bags and returned to the sea .
21 Wordsworth rewrote Guilt and Sorrow to conform to this teaching , and in Lyrical Ballads we are invited to contemplate The Dungeon and The Convict from a Godwinian viewpoint ; criminals are to be re-educated and placed in surroundings conducive to this end .
22 He proved that all 17,000 verses could be minutely inscribed on a piece of parchment 10.8 in by 8.4 in , which could then be folded up and placed in a walnut shell .
23 He was handcuffed to another prisoner and placed in an army , armoured personnel carrier .
24 The men were unloaded in the reception area at Long Kesh Detention Camp and placed in cubicles .
25 The body was to be dissected at a public lecture by Southwood Smith to be entitled ‘ The Structures and Functions of the Human Frame ’ , after which the skeleton was to be used as the armature of an image — an ‘ auto-icon ’ — of himself , to be attired in his own clothes and placed in University College .
26 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
27 The body was left in an open state for several hours prior to the second stage , when the thorax and abdomen were removed and placed in water .
28 In 1984 , a faculty to examine the St John vault for these items proved that it had been extensively reordered in the early eighteenth century when the decayed earlier coffins were cleared and placed in a charnel cistern within the vault .
29 One of his strange exploits among other frolics , was having a coffin made of copper ( which one of his mines had that year produced ) , and placed in the great hall , and instead of his making use of it as a monitor that might have made him ashamed and terrified at his past life , and induce him to make amends in future , it was filled with punch , and he and his comrades soon made themselves incapable of any sort of reflection ; this was often repeated , and hurried him on to that awful moment he had so much reason to dread .
30 A fine old wooden chest covered with intricate brass , nail-head designs was discovered , cleaned and placed in the hall .
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