Example sentences of "and are willing " in BNC.

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1 The South Koreans offer cheaper materials and are willing to do more of the grunt work than Americans or Europeans are .
2 Some districts are clearly sympathetic to the Democratic Unionists and are willing to invite Free Presbyterian Democratic Unionists such as William McCrea to preach at their church parades .
3 The cost of photocopying can mount up if you have to go to a local shop and pay several pence a sheet , whereas there are very likely to be local supporters who have photocopiers and are willing to run off a hundred copies at no charge .
4 If you become aware and are willing to keep going , you can not fail .
5 I hope you will print my letter for the benefit of the young women who think they are in love and are willing to overlook ‘ a few things ’ because they are afraid that they ca n't live without the guy .
6 Most of the wine lodges in Funchal welcome visitors and are willing to offer samples of the various blends .
7 You now feel enhanced respect for your counterparts and are willing to work with them again .
8 Some companies believe in obtaining information direct from other businesses and are willing to disclose it themselves .
9 While acquisitions , disposals and foreign subsidiaries all feature , I do not believe that it is particularly difficult — if you have a basic understanding and are willing to think in broad financial accounting terms .
10 The local church also plays a strategic role in building up a regional and national picture , the accuracy of which will depend upon the quality of the data which churches have amassed and are willing to divulge .
11 It is important that group members try to see the point of view of other individuals , and are willing to talk about their problems .
12 He should stop f—ing around with these crummy songs , write some real ballads , have his knowing smirk surgically removed and piss off to Vegas where they still appreciate a good singer and are willing to pay .
13 Even the Serbs of Serbia claim to be behind it and are willing , they say , to see the Bosnian Serbs isolated .
14 Placements are most successful when the policy-makers and professionals involved have a positive attitude to exploring integrated care and are willing to support the care-givers and the parents .
15 People wish to emulate their leader and are willing to be controlled in the ‘ process .
16 If we have the content primarily in mind , and are willing to strain language somewhat , consciousness can be described as the existence-for of contents , or their existence-to .
17 Until the specialty and , more importantly , the college recognise the value of an academic career and are willing to regard academics as equals , academic obstetrics and gynaecology will be an unpopular choice and will remain in the scientific shadow of medicine and surgery .
18 Teachers ' experience , which is at least as valuable a source of insight , is also readily accessible , but only if those responsible for policy are prepared to acknowledge its validity and are willing to make efforts to bring teachers into the debate .
19 Secondly , the courts have however emphasised that tribunals possess a discretion as to whether to allow such representation , and are willing to review the manner in which the discretion is exercised .
20 In ‘ The Real Thing ’ a painter is offered the services of an extremely genteel couple who have fallen on hard times and are willing to act as models for his illustrations of aristocratic life .
21 Over the past 20 years , there has been a growth in the number of these schools , because many parents have felt that governments have not been providing the quality of education once found in grammar schools , and are willing to forgo expensive holidays and luxuries , in order to provide the education they want for their children .
22 Women themselves feel they are the group most at the mercy of current development strategies and are willing and keen to create their own people-centred , self-sufficient development schemes .
23 Even assuming that the French public can be persuaded to accept what will in effect be the Deutschmark as their currency , and are willing to allow their economic policy to be decided by German domestic needs , will membership of this ‘ inner core ’ in fact be beneficial for Britain ?
24 Does she know that you 've been unfaithful to her once already and are willing to be again — except that this time I 'm not co-operating ?
25 The researchers listen and tell the producers who can hardly believe their luck — customers who say exactly what they want , and are willing to pay MORE !
26 It referred to the possibility of " membership of the organization for countries which fully share OECD values and characteristics and are willing and able to meet the obligations of membership " ( and specifically noted the interest of South Korea and Mexico in OECD membership ) .
27 This is rational behaviour only if speculators are risk-neutral and are willing to accommodate the demands of hedgers without additional compensation in the form of a risk premium in excess of the risk-free rate .
28 The costs form a very small proportion of local councils ’ overall transport budget , and the councils are now taking greater notice of environment pressure groups and are willing to promote cycling .
29 Companies seeking the Prince 's warrant will have to show that they are developing an environmental policy and are willing to carry out an internal environmental review and to set green targets , to be reviewed annually .
30 The couple have already launched a second appeal and are willing to talk to clubs and organisations about their experiences .
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