Example sentences of "and the health " in BNC.

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1 The Family Planning Association and the Health Education Council provide a free Family Planning Information Service FPIS to help people to know about and use the free National Health Service facilities .
2 The GP and the health team which may include a practice nurse will know about the health resources in your area and can arrange specialist help when you need it .
3 His anti-Semitism may be a separate issue ( though many of course will deny even that ) ; but his Fascism can not be , since it represents a disastrously false judgement made in the course of following through a conviction not self-evidently false — about there being a connection between the health of letters and the health of the commonweal .
4 Robin Cook , a member of the national executive and the health spokesman , said that a Labour government which sought to force its programme on an unwilling nation would be unsocialist .
5 The conference yesterday approved the Consumers and the Community review report , which proposes : A Department of Consumer Affairs ; Special funding to create local , regional and national consumers ' groups ; Quality and standards controls in local government , and the health and education services ; A Quality Commission to replace the Audit Commission , an Education Standards Council , and a Health Quality Commission ; ‘ Go local ’ health services , increased preventive medicine , and regular health check-ups ; Records of achievement for pupils , a flexible national curriculum , a home/school partnership agreements , and a national schools award .
6 This followed the publication of a book called Facing the Figures , by the Radical Statistics Health Group , and a television documentary , in the series ‘ Dispatches ’ , which said the Government was ‘ cooking the books ’ and misleading the public over issues such as unemployment , poverty and the health service .
7 The questions , which Mr Prescott also raised with Cecil Parkinson , the Secretary of State for Transport , and the Health and Safety Executive , centre on the £600m order for rolling stock made earlier this year , although the issue of whether passengers should stay with their cars or be segregated had not been resolved .
8 During the autumn of 1955 Bishop Wand of London retired and the health of Archbishop Garbett of York failed .
9 Many later policies — the poll tax , abolition of the GLC and metropolitan counties , and the health service review have all had a similar Prime Ministerial push .
10 Eventually , it was recognised that some of the results of the laissez-faire mentality could pose a threat to social stability and the health of rich and poor alike .
11 Ealing social services informed Hackney social workers and the health visitor that the family would be temporarily in the borough .
12 High levels of mercury have been reported from Faroese for some years , and the Health Department there has advised islanders to cut down on the amount of whalemeat they eat .
13 Injuries and deaths at work are a significant and reducible source of danger to the citizen , and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides the framework for the regulation of safety in work-places with an offence of failing to ensure that , ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable ’ , employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
14 In every practical sense , in Huaiwiri , they already shared that authority — at the least with women , but also on occasion with the law , the army and the health service .
15 The question was one of site , and the Health chairman proposed to build it near Huaiwiri , the small outlying Mannaia oasis close to the route of the new road destined to link Kufra to the Mediterranean ; also close to Hawari , the larger Jlulat oasis .
16 As the campaign entered its final 24 hours , the main parties returned to their central themes : the economy for the Conservatives and the health service for Labour .
17 Mrs Virginia Bottomley , who epitomises the ‘ caring ’ face of Conservatism , has taken over as Health Secretary , with the task of reassuring the public and the health professions that Mr Major does not intend to privatise the National Health Service .
18 Dead surface epithelial cells are normally rapidly replaced and the health of the tissue is maintained by a good blood supply .
19 In a vigorous and ultimately successful seven-year campaign , CLEAR forced the government to admit both the exposure to lead due to lead in petrol , and the health hazard posed by lead as such .
20 As far as the social element of citizenship is concerned , cuts in public expenditure have meant underfunding of education and public housing and complaints about the standard and availability of many public services , including public transport and the health service .
21 The importance of grazing both cows and sheep over the same land ( either together or in succession ) , both for the good of the sward and the health of the livestock , is explained at the beginning of Chapter 6 .
22 The ‘ demographic and pension time bombs ’ are much over-used phrases , and the Health Advisory Service 's emotive discussion of ‘ the rising tide ’ of the frail elderly population reflects similar demographic despair .
23 Even though this kind of action may cost a lot , I believe it to be money well and necessarily spent because the health of our economy and the health of our environment are totally dependent upon each other … .
24 Responsibility for controlling odour emissions which affect the public , lies as we have seen , with two main control agencies , the local authority environmental health department and the health and safety executive through their industrial air pollution inspectors , the latter in respect of odours emanating from premises registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 as amended by The Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 .
25 In one case a complaint was made on behalf of a Residents Association to the Parliamentary Commissioner alleging maladministration by the Department of Environment and the Health and Safety Executive at an inquiry into two appeals against the refusal of a Metropolitan Borough Council to give planning permission for the erection of a waste material incineration plant and an energy recovery plant .
26 The inspector and the Health and Safety Executive denied knowing of such a plant .
27 A useful leaflet giving advice on organising such a group is issued by Age Well , a project run by Age Concern and the Health Education Council to promote better health for older people .
28 He adds : ‘ A lot of money should be spent on redesigning filters , ’ and continuous monitoring of airborne contamination and the health of workers is essential .
29 Further work under the programme will include performance reviews of OECD countries in accident prevention , increasing international cooperation on accident prevention and addressing transport accidents and the health aspects of chemical accidents .
30 The radiation doses received by classified workers in the UK for 1986 are analysed in Central index of dose information , published by the National Radiological Protection Board and the Health and Safety Executive .
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