Example sentences of "[n mass] who [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 These were people of means who could afford to foot the bill : no appeal to the fear of physical pain was needed here .
2 He says he ca n't understand the mentality of people who would want to prey on him ; and his message to the thieves is clear .
3 I wanted to cry there and then but I was in the ward surrounded by people who would want to dam up my tears , so I stood up , put my jacket on and walked out .
4 He decided to sell it because he wanted time to look for other things and because whichever organisation bought it would automatically attract people who would want to study it for different scientific reasons .
5 The UNHCR 's envoy , Jose-Maria Mendiluce , fiercely attacked the council 's decision yesterday , saying it was an insult because the people who would suffer had not been consulted .
6 ‘ Until then waves had looked like a pleasant photogenic distraction on television , and not a serious challenge to anything else , ’ Salter recalled , ‘ but getting so close to 5 p/kWh would have rung a lot of alarm bells with people who would feel threatened . ’
7 THERE are many people who would love to buy the work of young British artists : there are plenty of young artists in Britain who would love to sell it .
8 HOST is looking for friendly people who would like to invite a lonely overseas student studying in Britain to spend Christmas , Easter or a weekend in their homes and experience British home life .
9 There may be some people who would like to see you break your neck , but I am not one of them . ’
10 It will appeal to people who would like to live in a large country house but who ca n't at the moment , and also to foreign customers who do n't have a base in this country
11 I would like to believe that he is right though I notice with regret that the academic professions of social and cultural anthropology are in fact full of people who would like to objectify " man " by loading down their publications with tables of statistics .
12 erm another area of my work is as I er writing workshops , the writing workshops are very different from the normal writing workshops there based at galleries and they take groups of people round an exhibition recording their comments on either one particular picture or the exhibition as a whole and then with my help we put the comments into poems that are then displayed along side the exhibits , erm this work I do with erm all sorts of people with children people with special needs , disabled people and , and that 's really where my interest in art erm comes in and I find that its a great leveller for people who would like to express themselves and have perhaps have difficulty by aiding , by looking at paintings and being able to see perhaps emotions or images that they , they feel themselves , so in all areas erm I find painting in my areas of work , painting influences me and has done for as , as long as I can remember .
13 Well it depends in in that particular one yes , er in other areas there was interest from the floor last night about local people who would like to become specials so one or two forms were handed out , application forms ,
14 So do you think people who would like to ban the use of animals in research are in , are in cloud cuckoo land do you ?
15 People who would like to apply for places should contact Karen Hills on Chelmsford ( 0245 ) 436335 by May 28 .
16 There are other outlets , if you want to learn the media game , in terms of speech and view , as it were , hospital radio , I do n't know whether you have any hospitals in your region but increasingly hospital radio offers an opportunity and a challenge , and welcomes people who would like to try their hand at becoming sort of D.J.s , or features editors , or are prepared to talk interestingly about subjects , and this you would only know from a local point of view .
17 They are people who would like to work but believe no work is available , lack the schooling , training , skills , or experience required by employers , are thought by employers to be too young or too old or who have other personal handicaps in finding a job .
18 Chief officers have been asked to carry out a survey of people who would like to work reduced hours for less pay if it can be done without hitting the service to the public .
19 we 've met people who would say read your Bible , holy spirit
20 Imperial preachers were haranguing the coastal populace to destroy … people like Jaq himself , people who would become polluted through no real fault of their own , in many cases .
21 People who would have spat in our faces three years before were now clapping our backs .
22 ONE by one , the people who would have governed a post-apartheid South Africa have been selected for murder .
23 The people who would have suffered most from Mr Moore 's penal approach are the 1.6 million children in one parent families .
24 In other words , the same people who would have emigrated on their own will be assisted by government programmes .
25 However , notwithstanding his extensive programme , no courses longer than the Terminal type were arranged , possibly because student groups were not formed in the villages of people who would have accepted responsibility to stimulate , organise and sustain local demand .
26 By the mid-1980s there were very few people who would have pretended to understand all the ramifications of Grant Related Expenditure Assessments , rate-capping or capital controls .
27 Those are the people who would have benefited or taken in to account should the Queen have died without a will .
28 Absolutely — and it is the Secretary of State 's Department that is guilty of taking benefits away from millions of people who would have benefited if the Labour Government 's policies had been maintained over the past 12 years by this tawdry , rotten Tory Government .
29 They are both : tough on the values , tender in support of people who would dare to take a risk and try something new in support of these values .
30 but erm , sorry the reason I 'm raising my eyebrows is that the people who would come to live in the new settlement if it was to happen , are people who would otherwise have to live somewhere else in in the county
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