Example sentences of "[n mass] and [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Of course in the rice solutions used in the published field trials the protein content may have been as hgh as 10% and may therefore have contributed more to secondary salt and water absorption .
2 The dolphins may also make loud sounds and a series of echo-clicks which help to herd the fish and may even stun them .
3 Er er I d I do n't think that we as a panel are necessarily going to ever and and and it may not be our role in fact to do so , to come to a judgement on it , but I would have thought as a matter of common sense , and common agreement , that there should be some er way in which the various parties would come together on the basic demographic statistics and would certainly accept that certain basic projections should be used i in looking forward .
4 MCC bosses had hoped to deflect the rebels from insisting on the meeting , which will cost £17,000 and may well have to be held at a huge venue like Westminster Hall , by offering to pass on their views on the Gower affair to the selectors and the TCCB in an unprecedented letter of protest .
5 VIEWPOINT — ‘ We certainly surprised a lot of people and may even have surprised ourselves , ’ said John Maltby .
6 At first Shamdev cowered from people and would only play with dogs .
7 He cared a lot about other people and could never understand why someone should want to hurt him .
8 They are likely to be fairly extrovert personalities , who are clear and confident in their approach to people and can easily relate to a stranger by establishing immediate contact .
9 With the development of appropriate piston corers in the late 1940s it was possible to collect columns of sediment 10–30 m in length which contained material that could be dated by radiometric and other means and could also provide environmental information , for example by analysing the frequency of sensitive foraminifera .
10 The plant will set new standards in the working conditions for staff and will strictly limit emissions , noise and smells .
11 They will take on the responsibility for providing stock and glasses , experienced staff and will also obtain the necessary licence for the event .
12 The Upton park and ride has been built on zoo-owned ground at a cost of £1m and will eventually have 750 spaces .
13 Orfe are generally a very hardy species and can easily withstand the cold winter temperatures that will occur in the pond .
14 The main body of a report will be perfectly acceptable at 10pt and will actually reduce the amount of paper needed by perhaps 30% .
15 Wolves prey on small deer and would therefore keep down Germany 's huge game stocks , which currently have to be culled by hunters .
16 Often an earlier youngster accompanies the pair and may even play with its sibling .
17 She thought it was limited to securing £60,000 and would only continue in force for a few weeks .
18 It has snapped up CCA Snacks from Coca-Cola Amatil for £198m and will partly fund the acquisition with an £80m share placement .
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