Example sentences of "and share [art] " in BNC.

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1 What we know of the family shows that it enjoyed its privileges to the full , and shared a positive and happy lifestyle , without hardship , yet without vaunted excess — a balanced lifestyle , despite his indispositions .
2 Nearly all of us had had the same sort of education and shared a common social background .
3 A down-at-heel English journalist , Charles Beadle , lived nearby and shared a passion for gardening with Beatrice .
4 The eight youths had each drunk up to 15 cans of lager and shared a bottle of Pernod before rampaging through the village of Alverstoke , Hants .
5 Maddison and Shearer arrived at the Dell from their native north-east at the same time and shared a house when they were virtual unknowns .
6 I went back to the Maggot 's foul house , where he kept his killer dog and astonishing collection of guns , and we sat on his makeshift verandah that overlooked a noxious and polluted creek and shared a few whiskies as he told me an incredibly tedious tale of how he had once sacked the quarterback of the San Francisco Sugar Plums .
7 As we have seen , although positivist criminologists were often shy of associating themselves with specific corrective programmes , they saw crime as pathological and shared a general consensus in favour of a broadly rehabilitative approach to ridding ourselves of it .
8 They met separately from the authority and shared a common ‘ soft Left ’ platform of views on the future of the NHS .
9 They left Oxford in 1921 , with seconds in modern history , and shared a flat in London while establishing parallel careers .
10 Later , as night crept over the Rorim , they met in Riven 's room and shared a few pitchers of ale .
11 Riven blinked , and shared a glance with Bicker .
12 He found that they were suddenly eating pizza and jokingly said oh they might have got him one , so one of them used a police car to take him to the nearest all night pizza place and then he walked back to the airport and waited , having done a deal with the one taxi driver who was there , and he and shared a taxi , arriving home c. 0215 and then proceeded to have a meal of a MASS of pasta and sauce previously made by me , and of a type which both boys always ask day in day out when here or there !
13 Richardson scored 53 and shared a second wicket partnership of 141 with man-of-the-match Lara , who hit 14 boundaries and made his runs from 132 deliveries before being run out .
14 I ca n't imagine how we would have reacted if our teacher had identified herself as a practising heterosexual and shared the secrets of her lifestyle .
15 To explore the desert , Thesiger immersed himself in the Bedu way of life : he spoke Arabic , dressed and went barefoot they did , and shared the extreme hardship of their existence .
16 The pair became good friends and shared the same haughty view of their futures .
17 The Girls were most impressed when Mary bought a Daimler and employed a chauffeur so they in turn bought a car between them and shared the running costs .
18 He not only comes from Brixton but , for many years , inhabited the landscapes and shared the hopes and anxieties of the indigent respectables living in a largely Labourist collective ethos .
19 ‘ Yet we still sat next to each other on the team bus and shared the same room .
20 Not that the inequity of the tip mattered , for we always pooled and shared the money evenly .
21 I have been helped by mentors , women and men , at various stages in my career and I have a very strong network of people who have given me advice and support when I 've needed it and shared the ups and downs .
22 Both were just 23 and shared the same love of horses , fresh air and country pursuits .
23 A specially trained team tortured a single victim ; each member of the team reinforced the others and shared the responsibility .
24 Britain was a member of SEATO , the US alliance organisation in the region , and shared the US interest in containing the Asian spread of communism .
25 The intention and the vow itself were no cynical charade , for Edward had already been on crusade and shared the piety and the military enthusiasm which impelled so many to the Holy Land .
26 Every member was both producer and owner , all provided labour power and shared the products of their labour .
27 thinking in , in , in the context of our , of our mission , this town wide mission , well that 's Billy 's job , he 's better at it than I am , but its not his job , its my job as much as its his and its your job as much as its mine , we do not well to keep silent these men they were troubled by their sin of silence , perhaps you and I should be troubled by our sin of silence because the extension of that , and here 's the really great thing , as far as they were concerned , the ex the , the ongoing because they were troubled by their sin of silence and they did something about it , they were thrilled at the sight that they saw , as they see the city being delivered , and as they see starving men and women eating food perhaps for the first time in days or weeks , buying good wholesome food at a reasonable price , that was the sigh that thrilled them and you can imagine them , and I think they 'd be entitled to a little bit of pride that I 'm glad we told them , I 'm glad we went back and shared the news apart from any thing we could n't of coped with all ourselves , it would of been so wrong to of kept it , it would of been so wrong just to of eaten it ourselves , I 'm glad we went back and told them .
28 ‘ It was all about cooperation ; people worked together and got results and shared the spoils . ’
29 If there were two designers they must have worked closely together and shared the same highly trained team of executants .
30 I would be honoured if you sat a while with us and shared the ch ‘ a . ‘
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