Example sentences of "and return [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rumour had it that on a less poetic occasion the Emperor had visited the pavilion accompanied only by Mme Walewska , his current favourite , embarking in a small rowing boat and returning with the lady only after a considerable lapse of time .
2 Later we explained about the difficulties of being a single parent ; of financial strain , of the unsatisfactory life for a young child of being in a day-nursery from early morning till evening , and returning with an exhausted and lonely mother to a one-roomed flat .
3 Roads fan out from Lairg like the open fingers of a hand , each with its separate destination — Lochinver , Scourie , Kinlochbervie , Durness and Tongue — and the postal services along them were undertaken by MacBrayne 's buses which left the post offices in these places in the early morning , bringing the day 's collection to Lairg for despatch on the railway and returning with the incoming mail from the station .
4 Two carriers operated from Essex Road , these ran a daily service to the Medway towns , taking goods for sale from the village , and returning with merchandise both private and trade , including potions for the village herbalist .
5 It was , as is well known , a triangular trade , taking out trade goods from England to Africa , carrying the hapless Negro slaves to the West Indian and southern state plantations and returning with American cargoes .
6 The village boasted a fleet of a dozen or so small fishing boats , which Ashley had seen setting sail at night and returning with their slippery silver haul in the mornings .
7 Once a week for five years Jerry has driven his articulated lorry for Courtaulds from Coventry to the Lyons region , delivering acetate yarn and returning with the empty beams that hold the yarn .
8 Their homecoming , going to earth and returning to sources , reaches , in a sense , its furthest point in ‘ The Dry Salvages ’ , where Eliot returns to his own St Louis and Massachusetts childhood , to ‘ The life of significant soil ’ , and to the savage meanings associated with such beginnings .
9 So after a brief visit to Balmoral in the summer , Diana soon established a pattern of leaving Charles to it and returning to London and her friends .
10 The main argument presented here is that the General Strike was partly , but significantly , a consequence of the determination of successive governments to reduce wages , thus increasing unemployment in the short term , in the hope of strengthening the pound and returning to the gold standard — a view which has already been developed in Chapter 1 .
11 These remained and the following sequence over a month all proved ineffective although she commented that she felt 20 years younger : Lachesis LM3 , stopping the remedy , Lachesis 200 , Syphilinum LM1 and returning to Lachesis LM3 .
12 The last page needs completing and returning to Helena Moore .
13 These needed signing on behalf of your University and returning to us .
14 She preferred the hazards of local naval hospitals to leaving her husband and returning to England for each birth , but the strain of pregnancy in hot climates and the diversion of her own children made her willing to billet the older two on their aunt whenever it was convenient .
15 In some heating systems the water circulates naturally , ; hot water rising from the boiler and returning to it by force of gravity when it is cooler .
16 Walkers on the Three Peaks marathon usually start from Horton in Ribblesdale and do the journey anti-clockwise , visiting Penyghent , Whernside and Ingleborough in that order and returning to Horton from the last named by a route that approximates to a beeline .
17 So , with a bit of luck I shall be leaving the Midlands and returning to grubby old Gateshead or Sunderland , thanks be to God . ’
18 Cancelling commands and returning to the window
19 This is an unpleasant discovery which may shock you into giving up and returning to the relative comfort of Stage 1 .
20 Consider a salesman who has to visit each of n towns once , starting from and returning to town l .
21 Modifications to lifestyle , such as performing calisthenics and returning to normal frequency of sex , were also more likely to have occurred .
22 But after dumping their loads and returning to Camp 3 at 24,000ft , the Darc Star team 's problems had only begun .
23 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
24 That he was not abstracting water but merely utilizing it and returning to the river the same amount in improved condition , because contact with the turbine had aerated it , and it was better for the fish .
25 ‘ It 's a famous one , ’ Miss Honey said , picking up the book and returning to her table in front of the class .
26 While other holidaymakers end up changing their last few pesetas and returning to bills on the doormat , bronzed Antonia was laughing all the way to her agent Max Clifford .
27 The purpose of the ‘ new ’ probation-order team would be to monitor standard operating procedures , research programme strategies , communications networks , command structures , and any other structural factors which might be linked to the corporation 's previous misbehaviour and then make recommendations which the company could not refuse to implement without the risk of revoking the probation licence and returning to court for resentencing .
28 He did his best to ignore it , failed , and reached out to the bedside table where it sat , throwing the receiver off its cradle and returning to her in one graceless motion .
29 The popularity of the Festival Land Cruise train in 1951 , which ran a circular route from Llandudno to Rhyl , where it reversed , then on to Denbigh , Corwen , Barmough , where a ninety minute break was taken , returning via Harlech , Afonwen , Caernarfon and Bangor to Llandudno , was such that the following year a second train was introduced , following the same route but starting from , and returning to Rhyl .
30 If respectability was undermined after the Second World War by married women refusing dependence and returning to waged work while also having children , it is being undermined again by the new wave of dole-queue mothers who find a measure of independence in motherhood .
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