Example sentences of "and high unemployment " in BNC.

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1 One can all too easily imagine a situation in which , within a few months , Poland will have the worst of all worlds : hyper-inflation and acute shortages and high unemployment , all at the same time .
2 But real wages steadily increased in spite of recession and high unemployment .
3 Mr Bekesi said that unless the government moved swiftly on economic reform , the outcome would be a flourishing black market , widespread shortages , inflation much higher than its current level of about 20 per cent , and high unemployment .
4 Frank Salter , the District Treasurer from 1918 , believed that financial appeals for new income in a sparsely populated region with a low wage economy and high unemployment , was an insuperable task and in 1931 he was succeeded by Lionel Elvin , Fellow of Trinity Hall , as the District 's honorary treasurer , and who brought much vigour and commitment to resolving the perennial financial problem .
5 This mixture , heated by recession and high unemployment , inevitably generates a high level of crime .
6 It is well known that the Albanians , who predominate in Kosovo and in parts of western Macedonia , tend to have very large families , Such rapid rates of growth of population in areas of poverty and high unemployment are naturally a matter of great concern to the authorities .
7 Especially at a time of recession and high unemployment , it is hard to give up a source of income and jobs .
8 On the other hand , the ‘ North ’ remains depressed , containing stagnant industries and high unemployment , with many areas in decline , particularly in the inner cities and the longstanding assisted areas .
9 Whether or not early retirement and high unemployment continue , however , they should not blind us to the need to consider other factors which influence our capacity to care for dependent populations .
10 His tour of duty as security officer in the Soviet embassy in London had been a miserable period of his life : He had found the English so dull , preoccupied with strikes , a falling balance of payments and high unemployment .
11 Many believe it would be political suicide to restrict criteria for unemployment benefit in a time of recession and high unemployment , and income support is already so low that there seems little scope for cuts there .
12 The extent of alcohol problems in this age group is surprising but probably typical of other areas of declining heavy industry and high unemployment .
13 In the 1930s , twenty years or so before the hospital bed reductions began , a period of economic standstill and high unemployment drove many single , unemployed , poorly educated young men from , mainly , depressed areas in the north of England , Scotland and Ireland to more prosperous areas in the south in the vain hope of finding work .
14 The Royal Commission on the Distribution of the Industrial Population was set up in 1937 ; the terms of reference were : The long years of economic depression and high unemployment rates , the sharp divide between favoured and unfavoured regions , and the drift of population from ‘ north ’ to ‘ south ’ combined to supply the political pressure for enquiry .
15 ‘ It is not possible to have high inflation and high unemployment at the same time ’ ( The views of a respected economist , mid-1970 's )
16 Not many years ago , economists expressed the view that inflation and high unemployment could not go together ; we have seen that they were wrong .
17 After the war there was a potential problem for the owners of the means of production : if the state reduced military expenditure then the effective demand for the high technology goods — aircraft , tanks , computers etc. — which they were now geared to produce , would decline and the problem of underconsumption and high unemployment might return .
18 Father God , We are conscious of many tensions within our own society , particularly at this time of recession and high unemployment .
19 This faith in affluence has now waned ; there is a more profound concern about the use of natural resources and increasing scepticism about the prospects , as well as the consequences , of unlimited economic growth , in a period of economic depression and high unemployment .
20 The main focus of the MMD's election campaign was UNIP 's poor record of economic management , highlighting the country 's soaring inflation and high unemployment .
21 Situated in an area of falling population and high unemployment , the school has a racially mixed intake .
22 Keynesian economic management seemed unable to deal with the new phenomenon of stagflation — high inflation coupled with low growth and high unemployment — and market liberals mounted a strong attack on the welfare state as the cause of Britain 's economic problems .
23 They argued that , even if governments were prepared to use demand restriction and high unemployment to reduce , or at least to contain , upward pressure on money wages , there was no longer any guarantee that such policies would work .
24 Wynne Godley has been consistently the gloomiest economist operating in Britain , believing that the UK economy is suffering from severe structural weaknesses , and it will remain locked in a low growth and high unemployment pattern for years .
25 But prolonged recession and high unemployment knocked his popularity down to rock-bottom .
26 The disenchantment with Keynesian demand-management among policy-makers was due to its failure to overcome the coexistence of high rates of inflation and high unemployment .
27 In this period the member states were experiencing lower growth rates , and higher unemployment than the USA and Japan .
28 He also maintained that increases in public expenditure would lead to increased taxation and higher unemployment .
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