Example sentences of "and be getting " in BNC.

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1 Arthur was the ticket clerk at Portsmouth railway station and the heat and been getting to him before the man arrived .
2 As Wimbledon again approaches , the arguments about why British tennis is so poor still rage on , and are getting even more heated .
3 While all this is going on , far away to the north the volunteers of the Royal Engineers have arrived and are getting straight down to work .
4 ‘ When somebody is in a situation where they feel there is no way out , feel trapped , lost , unloved , helpless , powerless , they are in a definite negative spiral and are getting deeper and deeper into a place where they are more and more frightened and despairing .
5 co-ordinates up , erm , you know , I have n't yet had contact from er no , I thought I 'd been given a new name , but , no I have n't had con any contact from my new co-ordinator yet , erm , but that was n't in my mind when I spoke on Thursday about Christmas , perhaps I ought to pursue that one in time for the next meeting and see what 's happening in South Africa and are getting it in South America for .
6 Tony Smith and his friends have undertaken a few short cross-country flights in VS and are getting more and more adventurous as confidence builds .
7 you 're visiting a close relative and are getting Income Support .
8 People have now started to accept the idea , and are getting more involved .
9 Yes it was , and I think it also er really put paid to the journalists that came along expecting to write our political obituary , because what did come over in all the workshops er and in the main plenary sessions , was that , that local , local parties are doing very well indeed and are getting a very good reception on the doorstep , in fact some other polls on , on er the Green strategy to the environment show that people actually do still trust the Greens far more than any other party .
10 I would rather have a little shop , a holiday home and be getting married and having kids .
11 The only bright spot on the horizon as far as she could see was that Barney must have turned the corner and be getting better .
12 We felt very sorry for both young people , for they were genuinely trying to find work and were getting very dispirited .
13 Susan and David doted on Christopher and were getting ready to really spoil him this Christmas .
14 His clothes , some of them old things of Theo 's which had been altered for him , were shabby , and were getting spattered with paint .
15 We had stalked around the woods practising booby traps and trip devices , using thin wire and nails , and were getting good at setting nasty ambushes .
16 Mary Woodend , Margaret Tindal , June Smith and Hannah Hodgson were probably older girls and were getting 1½d. a barrow load ; they were probably breaking lumps or cobbling , though the last two earned only 1/9 each in July of 1843 .
17 Last season was the result of complacency among our players and the vengeful attitude of most of the league who thought the scum should have won the it and were getting their revenge for them .
18 The opposition were winning a lot of line-out ball at the back and were getting to our midfield .
19 It started in the Autumn of eighty-eight , when Phil approached me and said , ‘ Look , we would like to consider putting our services that we do offer to finance in a more effective way ’ , running alongside that was a project being run by Oxfordshire Health Authority where they were sending postal surveys to elderly people ; people over the age of seventy erm sixty-five at one point , and were getting back a huge amount of information on their perceived needs .
20 Francis also plucked Penrice and Martyn from non-League football and is getting almost blase by the attention his players attract from the bigger clubs .
21 The Adhesives and Specialty Polymers group has seven production sites in the US , one in Canada and six in Europe , and is getting to the stage of having the same production capability in either region .
22 According to Walken 's script , Elv is 57 years old , looks completely different , is a health nut who eats fish all the time , and is getting ready to come back .
23 Notes retails at around £400 a user ( with discounts on multiple purchases ) , and is getting so popular that it may well emerge as the de facto standard for disseminating information .
24 This may be because by now she is find the spelling test hard and is getting anxious ; or it may be because she can not make an accurate guess at the way new words are pronounced .
25 ‘ You see , mother , they do n't want the doctor or the servants to guess that Colin can walk and is getting better .
26 Rhiannon now weighs 14 lbs and is getting bigger and stronger every day .
27 His father says that David accepts the sentence , and is getting treatment for his drug dependence .
28 With acclaim like that , Beatty 's agent immediately put a pricetag of $300,000 a picture on his head — and was getting it .
29 He had tuberculosis and was getting better slowly .
30 But just when I was feeling at home in the loin-cloth and boot polish , and when I 'd learned my lines before anyone else and was getting as competent as a little orangutan on the scaffolding , I saw that our conflicts had n't ended .
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