Example sentences of "and this girl " in BNC.

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1 But Nora never wore an overall , she despised housework — and this girl was wearing an overall , not the rather smart dress for which Mrs. Fanshawe had first taken it .
2 ‘ Clive , ’ said Skinner , ‘ you , and this girl — Anne , is n't it ? — you go and bring Nina back .
3 I thought someone 'd given me a TV set — I was so excited , I ripped the box open and this girl went , ‘ Can I have your autograph ? ’
4 I went to see The Wild One many many years ago when I was thinking about becoming an actor and thinking maybe it was a bit of a poofy thing to do , and Marlon Brando was standing in front of this juke box and he had ‘ New York Rebels ’ on the back of his leather jacket and this girl came up and said , ‘ What are you rebelling against , Johnny ? ’ and he says ‘ What have you got ? ’ and I thought , ‘ Yeah , that 's my man , I 'll do that . ’
5 How could Michael Holly and this girl have broken ?
6 She was very conscious of the girl following her towards the drawing-room and a sudden sense of jealousy bit like sharp teeth as Emily imagined them together , Craig , and this girl who , however poor she might be , had beauty as well as dignity .
7 Do n't know well sometimes I playing like and this girl , Oh that 's stupid doing all this and , you know and she just like
8 I 'm sure I was set up and this girl was exactly the sort of person they 'd be able to get to do it , because there was no sense in it otherwise .
9 And this girl and her brother drove straight into it . ’
10 ‘ And I was walking past the T-shirt stall and this girl I know who does Jesus Jones ' T-shirts ran over to me and said , This guy wants to talk to you — he wants to talk to you — he wants to buy the rights for that T-shirt and put them in the shops !
11 And this girl has it all ? ’
12 Unless it was sentimental to want to remember a time when he and this girl had not been strangers to each other .
13 It happened one day when I ran out of petrol and this girl came along .
14 ‘ And I was walking past the T-shirt stall and this girl I know who does Jesus Jones ' T-shirts ran over to me and said , This guy wants to talk to you — he wants to talk to you — he wants to buy the rights for that T-shirt and put them in the shops !
15 The woman in the Victorian photograph and this girl had ties of blood .
16 And this girl 's been married
17 Well you know the big things and this girl was
18 Yeah , yeah six minutes past the hour so there , yeah , so they kept giving you doubts , now if you 're getting on this train make sure you get out at Lemington , so at about twenty past twelve , the twelve six went out from platform eleven , why , cos that will upset everything then , by , few of the trains kept coming round , then they said were very sorry but the Shrewsbury train will come in at platform ten that 's where we 're all waiting , so the ready train be outside somewhere , so , that came in just as the , the twelve , six went out about twenty past twelve these in and this girl got up so we said do n't get on this , you 'll never get to Birmingham you get on here , wait until we get on we said , cos they changed the train , oh she was getting all worked up , she come from Middlesborough , well I said well , well , anyway , we said no , there , there 's no trains for university no , nobody will be going at the right time will they ?
19 I really feel she said , I hope that we can sort something out , but the next morning of course I was first on the list I had my formal interview , mine was half past nine , but when I got in there Sue , and Steve which was gon na be the head manager and this girl from erm Princess Marina who was gon na be the nurse
20 Our Arthur , Arthur sat there and this girl come to clear the pots away and she 's been round lots of tables , you know , collecting the cups up together and she comes in and she goes ooh !
21 and this girl says if you go to the very top you 'll get it done
22 And the next thing I went in and this girl was doing my hair I do n't know what she was doing but I ca n't remember the , the dream was he says to me Dawn do you want these curling tongs left on I said what curling tongs
23 Do you know I ca n't remember the date , early part of March , early part of March , erm what she says at the moment is that er someone else from the college is going to Leicester next Wednesday when Helen 's going to Cardiff and this girl is then going to Cardiff when Helen should be going to Leicester , so Helen says , and she wants to look at the same subjects as what Helen does so Helen says that they 're gon na sort of go to the different colleges and compare notes when they come back from it so she might need n't want to go to Leicester
24 When we went to that the interview yesterday it was ever so funny because we 're all sat in a row and this girl next door to me was from Cornwall , and this other girl said , where are you from ?
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