Example sentences of "[n mass] that have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks 2 ( Pen and Sword Books Ltd , 192pp , illus , sbk , £9.95 ) by Ron Collier tells the stories of 26 out of the 50 aircraft that have crashed in the Dark Peak area of the peak District National Park over the past 60 years .
2 The large bulk of the data that have led to this conclusion originates from areas south of the polar circle .
3 I wonder if these people that have to listen to these tapes can understand doggy language as well ?
4 These people that have to listen to these tapes you know , they must get terribly bored must n't they ?
5 I know but the actual , the actual peo the actual people that have to pay for us , such it could be more that erm , the government would actually pay for it and then hospitals would erm fight for the , for the actual er thing
6 People that have come in contact with him so should be
7 Conversely , the character and so the supraspecific group membership of the species that have originated in any area is determined by conditions there .
8 Among the antelope these include gazelle species that have adapted to life in India .
9 Both the nilgai and the four-horned antelope were originally Indian woodland species that have adapted to life on the plains .
10 Each year , mining levels mountain peaks and kills off plant and animal species that have adapted to the habitat over thousands of years .
11 The list compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre , details 311 species that have perished since 1600 .
12 Vascular plants of the high Arctic seem by contrast to be remnants of the Tertiary flora that have survived in refugia throughout all the glaciations and recently dispersed southward , though seldom beyond the low Arctic zone .
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