Example sentences of "and [v-ing] nothing " in BNC.

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1 It 's bad enough looking through the new sections and the main articles and seeing nothing mentioned less than E4 , 6b .
2 As the train slowed down , Sam came over to the fireman 's side and looked out and seeing nothing , suddenly realised the legend of the bridge .
3 She saw the child white in the face , as white as paper , trembling all over , the eyes glazed , staring straight ahead and seeing nothing .
4 Staring back up into his face , and seeing nothing , no humour , no teasing , she was a little nonplussed .
5 It is only recently that I discovered that we are all born potentially good , demanding love and wanting nothing more than to give it in return .
6 A brand-new Tavern , redolent of fresh mortar and size , and fronting nothing at all , had taken for its sign The Rail way Arms ; but that might be rash enterprise — and then it hoped to sell drink to the workmen .
7 For a moment Nicholas , too , saw the future as something splendid and bright ; a fertile island , well run and blooming , and owing nothing to all the nations that warred round about it .
8 erm , and er , sometimes even pleased to say well I 'll try to get you in purple , but er , nowadays erm , we , we do n't go in for that because there 's , there 's so many er shops now that selling lighting fittings erm and selling nothing else , there is n't one actually in Harlow , but there 's one in Epping and there 's one in Stortford , erm that er , it 's , it 's riding a new car people want to see er a good variety of them , have a look at a lot or a washing machine or anything like that , you want to see many before you buy one .
9 Unionists were therefore soon frustrated by what seemed the weakness of their leaders in swallowing- Asquith and getting nothing in return .
10 This time it was Tessa , holding her pyjamas in her hand and wearing nothing but the tweed overcoat pulled tightly around her .
11 An accountancy firm bailing out a floundering client from its own pocket and expecting nothing in return , on the other hand , might cause Austin Mitchell to look up in wonder .
12 The small yellow tablets coated in sugar and containing nothing more stimulating than a couple of stiff cups of coffee became the most bitter pill that Bud Johnson ever swallowed .
13 I did knock at the door , then , when there was no response , took a couple of steps through into a passage floored with stone slabs and containing nothing but some buckets of coal and a rack of ancient clothes , gardening clobber by the look of it .
14 Clearly while we do have gliders that spin , it is vital to give pilots enough experience to recognise what is happening and to make the right moves instead of panicking and doing nothing .
15 Over the months Jay found she liked being around Lucy , enjoyed desiring her and doing nothing about it .
16 ‘ Heard the latest ? ’ said Harriet in the kitchen where they were lounging and doing nothing as usual .
17 But Dostoevsky did not want to surrender the tract of suffering bounded by the sense of being and doing nothing but one 's thoughts .
18 Yet all babies would die if left alone , and the act of standing by and doing nothing is tantamount to injurious action .
19 I just love sitting and reading and doing NOTHING … a huge man came here the other day and practically THREATENED me if I would n't write my life story … offered me any money I asked for … but thank God I am well off now .
20 Oban was a different kind of noise and fat bare-armed people wearing far too much white and doing nothing but staring .
21 Breeze expected her to refuse , for she had always hated enforced idleness ; but she was so tired that she was glad to stay where she was , lying quite still and doing nothing .
22 The men 's committee was waffling on twice a week and doing nothing ’ .
23 ‘ But I ca n't see Philip sitting back and doing nothing about it .
24 Holyfield starts training next month , but right now is watching the Olympics and doing nothing more testing than shadow boxing and jogging two miles a day around the Crystal Harmony , the Coca-Cola company 's flagship in Barcelona harbour .
25 ‘ I enjoy talking about things other than golf , I love just sitting around and doing nothing , watching TV , going into the kitchen , walking around a while and watching the stock market .
26 In the words of the regional secretary , sitting there and doing nothing is no longer an option .
27 Er and er well it 's not just one innovative idea er it 's just innovative idea after idea er which is encouraging because it er means that the company is not resting on its laurels er having found an avenue and an opportunity they do n't seem to be content just to sit expanding and developing that and doing nothing else .
28 And he 's been under somebody or other at Charing Cross Hospital I , who has a rather different approach to the whole thing , many other people 's involve rest and doing nothing and so on and so forth .
29 But when you 've got people stood behind a desk and serving you and doing nothing but serving you as you come .
30 Claire and Kezia were looking at each other and saying nothing .
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