Example sentences of "[n mass] [am/are] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A major problem in the use of this distribution is that reported data are often in the form of totals or aggregates , summed over potentially important explanatory variables .
2 Illegal exports of fish are also on the increase , while fishing for research purposes has been abused .
3 Taking good photographs of fish needs patience in a community tank , most fish are always on the move and coupled with the small depth of field that one has to work with , fish are a difficult to photograph .
4 Statistics are all over the place .
5 His statistics are there in the Somerset yearbooks for future generations to admire .
6 The UN Conference in Desertification ( 1977 : 177 ) also agrees : ‘ Statistics are seldom in the right form , are hard to come by and even harder to believe let alone interpret . ’
7 How many fictional concentration camp butchers are still on the run in the jungles of the Amazon ?
8 A highly important corollary is that people are not under the domination of wyrd , which is why ‘ fate ’ is not a good translation of it .
9 British people are not on the dole in Germany ; they are on the dole in Britain .
10 On the twenty seven part-time stations where the people are not on the station , they 're at home , they 're at work or elsewhere , each one carries a little alerter with them , erm tiny little gadget in his pocket , and by means of this erm radio communication I was talking about earlier , by pressing the right button for the appropriate station , er er it triggers off these alerters and the men respond to that call , come to the fire station , where the telephone is live waiting for them and the message is passed on that way .
11 " These people are not like the white races .
12 Distribution was timed for January ‘ because Christmas is over then , people are back on the streets , and the coldest time of the year is starting ’ .
13 Older people are always among the first to be made redundant and to retire prematurely yet there is no evidence to show ‘ that redundancy or early retirement are seriously associated with health or any general tendency for workers to become less productive with age . ’
14 situational humour , ie funny within the context of the situation people are in at the time so that people can relate to it through a common , shared experience
15 I mean I think you and say that you know I mean I think test matches are simply because you know over time , you know people are in to the one day cricket match , be the excitement and everything else and it 's getting increasingly more difficult for television companies to get sponsorship , commercial sponsorship for
16 People are there for the music , not just to get totally shitfaced ’
17 It 's gone back into smaller venues , and people are there for the music , not just to get totally shitfaced .
18 they said how many people are there in the house , they threatened to kill me
19 Ironically the price of sterling went up so high that it made it very difficult for us to sell our other manufactured goods and many people are now of the belief that because of the North Sea oil price rises , this had an adverse affect on our economy , making it more difficult for us to sell manufacturing goods because the pound was very strong against other currencies .
20 They both refused to surrender to a ‘ man of two faces ’ , but Joseph said , ‘ Many of our people are out on the hills , naked and freezing .
21 Many of our people are out in the hills bringing in the flocks , as are the Hearthwares — those we have left .
22 It 's good to know that people are genuinely into the music ’
23 People are suddenly on the move .
24 Two methods tend to be used in this type of kidnapping : the woman may impersonate a nurse , giving the mother a bogus reason for taking her baby out of the room , or she may take the neonate from the nursery when nursing staff are not in the immediate area .
25 Some of the main areas are listed here , but the AOI stresses that staff are always at the end of the telephone to answer queries on a whole range of subjects .
26 The rest of the staff are still under the
27 Comments by credit about sales are usually along the following lines :
28 The ‘ rodent-run ’ display takes an entirely different form and is employed especially where the local predatory species are always on the alert for small rats , mice , or lemmings .
29 Such works are out of the range of the Tate 's powers of acquisition .
30 ‘ This means that the state spent something in the region of DFl.100 million on the roughly 2000 artists covered by the scheme between 1984 and 1987 , and most of these works are still with the artists ’ estimates Blote .
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