Example sentences of "[n mass] [that] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was puzzled by her inability to repeat its results and even more puzzled by the data that purported to support them .
2 It was not so much the death of a sheep that had shocked her .
3 You should be ready , however , for those awkward bream that decide to use their vast body area like kites .
4 The comet ( opposite , top ) is a fish that attempts to lose its real eye in a sea of white dots .
5 Because it 's the media that 's got them on the run is n't it ?
6 Thumbs up to the poor people that had to clean it up .
7 The results of the interviews allied with a socio-historical examination of the background to the conflict will allow for the examination of ideologies in Northern Ireland , where an ideology is seen as a set of ideas held by a group of people that helps to structure their social world and guide their activity within that social world .
8 Erm er and it 's the way that we do it that 's made it made it very comfortable to go into something , like most of the people that come to see us and work with us , they 've never sold never been involved in advertising let alone sold it because erm
9 Now most people that come to see us have never been involved in designing or writing ads .
10 Er I do n't know who by as Giles wo n't tell me but he definitely knows the two people that 've laid her .
11 It does raise a very important matter because in the B C C I inquiry , it was quite obvious er that parts of Price Waterhouse were n't fully aware of what other parts of Pri Price Waterhouse were doing and indeed worse than that and in fairness to Price Waterhouse , some of the regulators in different parts of the world did n't know what each other w w were doing and the only people that did know what was happening were the principals behind B C C I who exploited that situation .
12 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
13 He values the situations and people that have enabled him to be more himself , to find a dynamic fulfilment in the ability to express his deeper feelings , explore life further and evolve as a person .
14 Think of people that have influenced you in the past , and got you to do things , which , if you look back , and you think , that was very clever .
15 As a works convenor , I work along twenty shop stewards , and I can tell this Congress that the message that they 've given to me from the people from the people that have elected them , is that they 're sick and tired of the perpetual bleating of the T U C about how they have to abide by the laws , when the only laws that are there are the laws that are bringing this movement down .
16 But as well as all the companies — and there is a host of Cambex Corps and IPL Systems Incs just under the tall poppies of the IBM marketplace , there are thousands and thousands of individuals who must now feel devalued in a deeply demoralising way , people that have made it their life 's work to understand everything there is to know and understand about IBM and its mainframe products , who now find that all that hard-won knowledge is a rapidly wasting asset — not just industry commentators and pundits who will soon find that the market ca n't bear any more ‘ Into the Big Blue Yonder : the Decline and Fall of an American Icon ’ books , but an unsung army of data processing managers who now feel they are too old to start again and learn something new and fundamentally different virtually from scratch , and will instead sink back into the anonymity of early retirement .
17 and you find erm people like Lynn you know , bless her , who now , who is n't too bad when she 's not too bad and is n't too good when she 's not too good , you know , and it is such a very very Not only can you not put anything visibly in in common with everyone that 's got it , even the people that have got it ca n't say I can not do this period , they say oh well I 'm not too good now but maybe last week or maybe next week
18 Well people that have got it
19 ‘ You 've been Framed ’ is a show where people that have filmed something funny on video sent it in and can win money if the audience thinks its very funny .
20 yeah , it 's it 's the people that do allow their children to go out , and I 'm sure there 's a lot of parents out there that agree with me on this point , you know ,
21 I know people , I know , three people that want to sell their Amega , including
22 Also in Basingstoke , Cylink Ltd has launched the LS-20 Low Speed Data Encryptor for people that want to secure their dial-up links : the company also announced a rack-mounted system that can take up to 12 encryption boards — they use either DES or the company 's proprietary encryption algorithm and come with V.24 , V.28 and RS-232 interfaces ; the stand-alone encryptor costs £1,250 , the hub system £2,800 plus £900 for each board .
23 So if the council refused it at the meeting it 's their people that 's refused it !
24 In spite of all my experience or rearing wild animals , the one species that continued to defeat me was the infant elephant . ’
25 Many appear to be recent colonists from temperate regions , representing species that have extended their breeding ranges northward or southward in post-glacial times .
26 He was by no means unusual for his place and time : there were not a few London families in the mid-19th century who were busy accumulating all the paraphernalia that seemed to give them a gilt-edged claim to middle-class respectability — the portraits , the studio photographs , a family bible , ornate gravestones , even the odd crest and Latin motto .
27 Of all the roles she had played in the theatre , of all the great works that had come her way , she was fated to be remembered mostly for how she pronounced the rhetorical question , ‘ A hand-bag ? ’
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