Example sentences of "[n mass] [vb base] n't [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We might formulate his newly discovered principle as ‘ One ought not to eat too much ’ , but very probably it would be first encountered by him as ‘ Sensible people do n't eat too much ’ .
2 and if people do n't pay then they lose them
3 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
4 Nevertheless , we can not blame the system altogether , as many people do n't think ahead and make the provision they could for a reasonable income in retirement .
5 People do n't think twice about kissing babies , sharing towels and sharing toothbrushes , ’ says the doc .
6 is n't forever and people do n't think often enough
7 Still , after all the outdoor activity in the fresh air , many people do n't last much beyond dinner and a few drinks !
8 As you know American cinema installed air conditioning in the fifties and that re erm late fifties , early sixties and that re revived the American cinema er because people do n't go abroad so much in America .
9 People do n't go there until they know where to go , and they ca n't find out where to go until they 've been .
10 Dreaming of ensnaring a visitor who will whisk him off to fabulous Detroit , Sonny is completely unaware that ‘ people do n't go there .
11 Beth 's experience suggests that people do n't change deep down , even if they really want to try to please their partner .
12 ‘ But I came to realise that it 's all very well gambolling about the countryside feeling at one with nature , but people do n't change completely .
13 People do n't change overnight , Alyssia , ’ he said , half joking but mostly serious .
14 As we 've said before in this book , people do n't change that much just because they 're older .
15 Some people do n't want much .
16 Also it 's kind of er even if you er sort of different people do n't , I mean a lot of people do n't discuss as much as we do .
17 There are dangers people do n't see ahead .
18 ‘ Then I hope these people do n't know either although they seem to know a lot .
19 Doctors are concerned that young people do n't know enough about the effects of drugs like LSD , Ecstasy and amphetamines .
20 ‘ THE American people do n't know very much about the Balkans .
21 ‘ These people do n't look very important , ’ she thought .
22 People do n't mind so much what other people are like .
23 Now people do n't come here and say , Oh I 'll have a look at somebody else , they come here and buy .
24 He gets fed up if people do n't play properly
25 It 's not surprising people do n't remember much about Birkdale 1961 but the awful weather .
26 Then people do n't argue then
27 Lay people do n't mix easily with professionals .
28 The first is the breaching of further injunctions , such as ‘ Worthwhile people do n't get so tired , need a drink before school , smoke so much , eat so much , behave so badly to their friends , feel so bottled up , become so forgetful ’ or whatever .
29 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
30 You know , Lewes is about the right sort of size for that , people do n't get too much on top of each other , but at least they can find their way around .
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