Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] [noun] 's [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can , however , mislead you as , at 1150kg , this is no lightweight and the car does n't feel as quick as 155bhp or Citroen 's claims might suggest .
2 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
3 Was the V. & A. 's Chairman trying to tell us something about the government 's degree of responsibility for the staff restructuring plans announced by the V. & A. 's Director and rashly endorsed by himself in 1989 ?
4 These are Sainsbury 's Costières de Nimes , Domaine Grand Bourry 1989 , £3.79 and Sainsbury 's Coteaux d'Aix en Provence 1986 , Cuvée la Source , £5.25 .
5 Sun Sparc-based machines have 57% of the European RISC-based workstation market according to IDC : MIPS R-series is in second place with 19% , IBM Corp 's Power is third with 10% and HP 's PA fourth with 8% — its low showing reflecting the fact that most of its installed base of workstations are still based on the 68000 line .
6 Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data and Spearman 's rank order correlation .
7 Well Digital Equipment Corp always said it would catch up with IBM Corp , come what may , and the company has just about done it : IBM 's loss for 1991 was $2,827m and DEC 's loss for the year $2,780m .
8 In the area previously occupied by the fort 's headquarters and commander 's house , a large masonry building was started ; its plan encompassed an area 67 by 65.5 m ( 21g by 214 ft ) , with a central piazza or courtyard .
9 The usual adult ticket price is £13 and children 's £9.99 so the Sainsbury 's offer really does represent good value .
10 It is only now , almost five years after the fact , that the US press corps and America 's allies are beginning to see Gramm-Rudman-Hollings for the hoax that it is .
11 In real life , too , there was an intention ( perhaps stronger on her side than his ) that he should marry his landlady 's daughter , but nothing came of that because , on returning to Johannesburg , Herbert met Grace , who was in fact to become his first.wife and John 's mother .
12 Scheduled to ship the first week of June , OpenView SNMP is priced at $7,000 , Distributed Management costs $8,000 and HP 's OpenView Network Node Manager costs $15,000 .
13 How frequently does children 's enjoyment of school feature in discussion at staff or governor 's meetings ?
14 Yeah well I 'm , I 'm gon na try and get the final year lecture for Tuesday sorted actually on Saturday and erm it 's usually , it 's usually Guy but I think I 'm doing it this week , yeah , because I 've got quite a few to do on things like racist in the media and Guy 's mate Dennis has just written a book and he 's given me a manuscript of it and it 's about how racist psychology is which is
15 For example , Sainsbury 's Asti Spumante , £4.72 and Sainsbury 's Vin Mousseux , £3.99 .
16 Labour was not against wealth and would cut taxes if it was prudent to do so , he told MPs and Labour 's finance and industry group in Westminster .
17 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
18 Wednesday 's price is £800,000 but Chelsea 's valuation is nearer £500,000 .
19 Which of the following do not show parental care : Bullhead Catfish , Tiger Barb , Whiptail Catfish and Brichard 's Cichlid ?
20 The hedgerows seemed full of flowers , wild roses and deep blue trails of wild pea and in the ditches the lacy umbelliferous wands of cow parsley and meadow.sweet and lady 's mantle .
21 Alternatives : For a more champagne-like taste try Majestic 's classy Californian Domaine Chandon Shadow Creek at £5.99 or Waitrose 's Cremant de Bourgogne ( £6.25 ) .
22 Meanwhile , the X-terminal market is still dominated by Network Computing Devices , which in 1991 achieved a 25% share of the $358m business , followed by HP 's 17% , DEC 's 14% , IBM 's 11% and Tektronix 's 7% .
23 They are particularly proud of the food ; the breakfast is enormous and includes foods such as local smoked haddock and lamb 's kidneys .
24 But it can perhaps be seen as an architectural expression of that scented fin de siècle fascination with the Near East that produced in this period such works as Massenet 's opera Thaïs and Strauss 's Salome and the luxuriant novels of Pierre Loti and Pierre Louys .
25 Anthony 's regular enquiries of his colleagues around Italy had at last borne fruit and Annunziata 's son had been discovered in a Roman hospital recovering slowly from serious wounds to his head and spine .
26 There was no basis for finding that Savory was liable as a constructive trustee for the £13.5m and Eagle 's claim was struck out .
27 That still left it well ahead of America 's 36% and Japan 's 33% .
28 Family and guests could be heard playing charades and blindman 's buff in the drawing room , and Mr Priddy snuffed out the candles , replacing them with new ones ready for tea at about ten in the evening when the table would again be laden with sweetmeats and delicacies .
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