Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Saddam is believed to have already removed his fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter gunships from the banned area south of the 32nd parallel .
2 The Central Committee Secretariat ( or Apparatus ) , however , had a major role in supplying data and policy options to the Politburo .
3 In addition , plans for regional research centres and for the data and information systems for IGBP ( known as IGBP-DIS ) had been announced .
4 Four related projects concerned with service provision , the assembly and enhancement of data and information and systems development are proposed : i ) The creation of a Midlands data base specifically designed to meet the expressed requirements of data and information users in the region .
5 There was no difference between the aspirin and placebo groups in the incidence of cerebral haemorrhage .
6 His son was obsessive about music , mastering classical , folk and rock modes with alarming rapidity .
7 In contrast , the Kersten range is black and cherry , with an eight-seater black extending table for £169 and Noir chairs at £59.99 each .
8 During March 1945 FAA units flew in support of the American attacks against Okinawa and Fireflies from Indefatigable made cannon and rocket sorties against enemy airfields in the Sakishima Gunto group of islands during which heavy flak was encountered .
9 Start begonia and gloxinia tubers into growth .
10 Summer and winter temperatures in the Canadian interior are generally 0 — 22°C and -10-28°C , respectively , but summer maxima of 40°C and winter minima of -40°C have been recorded locally .
11 Soldiers set up barbed-wire fences , electricians wired up searchlights , carpenters built barracks and sentry boxes on elevated platforms .
12 The latest buy follows that of the travel guides from Mr Murdoch for £480million and TV Times from the ITV companies for £125million .
13 On Jan. 22 two bombs exploded simultaneously in the police headquarters and court buildings in New Delhi , injuring 43 people .
14 The most explicit form of control is exerted through the field officer 's immediate superior , the area supervisor , who occupies the key position of intermediary between senior officials based in offices in headquarters and district officers in the field .
15 In Leningrad there was controversy over the introduction of joint militia and army patrols of the city [ see also p. 38013 ] .
16 In practice , control is best achieved by exchanging , in the spring , pastures grazed by sheep and beef cattle over the previous year , preferably combined with anthelmintic treatment at the time of exchange .
17 Classification of cattle , sheep and pig carcases at the request of slaughterhouse operators will also continue .
18 BLUE-green algaes , which killed sheep and pet dogs at Rutland Water this summer , are a serious and growing threat to sailing , water sports and fishing in all lakes and ponds in Britain as man made pollution feeds their growth .
19 Secondly I think annual Governor 's subscriptions could be doubled to £40 and Life Governors at least £400 , bearing in mind the influence they have in running the Institution 's activities …
20 Boulestin 's idea was that while you were at it you made — as in a great many of his recipes — enough of this mixture ( he treats smoked cod 's roe and anchovy fillets in precisely the same manner ) for two meals : you serve it as a first course , with toast , for two very differently composed lunches .
21 But , as Davis is careful to point out , behind this issue are social and economic structures on the one hand and the support of kin or blood relations on the other .
22 Playing golf is unlikely to kill Scandinavian fish or pine trees by causing acid rain .
23 Paganini specialises in cucina Mediterranea — a fresh , health-conscious cuisine that features olive oil and herb-scented sauces instead of butter and cream ; and which favours fish and vegetable dishes over red meats .
24 7pm : Cook lance fish and pond chips over fire of old bogwood .
25 Cancer specialists from the United Kingdom , continental Europe and the United States will gather in London to hear the results of early studies which point to an important role for fish and plant oils in helping to combat human disease .
26 The greatly differing cancer record of various countries has provided the basis for investigating the potential of fish and plant oils in anti-cancer treatment .
27 THE fish and chip women of Barnard Castle have hit back at claims that ladies serving Britain 's best-loved dish are traditionally fat and ugly .
28 But now Alex , who is single and lives in London , is lapping up Buddymania from signing sessions outside provincial theatres to being recognised in fish and chip shops despite the fact he leaves his plain glass black spectacles in the dressing room as well as the replica Holly suits .
29 The allegation was made last week by a company wanting to build drive-through fish and chip diners in the North-East .
30 There 's tell of tripe dressers , cruelty to eels and even fish and chip limericks like A widow who fried at Dunbar Had a bust much admired , near and far When she asked ‘ Shall I wrap ‘ em ? ’
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