Example sentences of "[n mass] [adv] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are over 600 multinationals in a ‘ billion-dollar-club ’ and a host of smaller fry all competing for a share of the market .
2 The data relate to data previously collected for the Scottish hospital sector by one of the authors .
3 An ice-screw at 5m then go for the top , taking care not to knock out any ice onto those waiting below .
4 Annesley yard received and despatched coal trains from the local pits which were taken south at speeds of up to 50 m.p.h. eventually destined for the Western Region .
5 ‘ These people deliberately target places where people only go for a bit of entertainment .
6 He took them into the room where people usually waited for the trains — but now there was a carpet on the floor , and flowers above the pictures on the walls .
7 And it says a lot for our low expectations that most people automatically go for the salt as soon as their plate arrives at the table .
8 Thirty thousand people now worked for the brothers ' resource companies in addition to the many thousands they employed in the construction of their property .
9 We have made real progress in developing our non-oil related businesses where sales now account for a good proportion of the Group 's turnover
10 Officials of the inquiry and MPs immediately called for the extradition of Klebeck to be considered and for the inquiry to be reconstituted to look at wartime crimes in the Channel Islands .
11 Places in those schools are by no means exclusively reserved for the offspring of the devout , but the churches might have reconsidered that policy if the Government had , in effect , continued to place a block on their expansion plans .
12 Only someone who has been in Moscow can fully appreciate that it is a city in which the warmth and intelligence of the people sometimes compensates for a basic implacable drear which , however submerged , remains the dominant backdrop to all pleasures .
13 There must come a point when you realize that all these confidences are piling up , useless , in the store room , like the possessions elderly people sometimes keep for no purpose .
14 Instead , people either reached for the mediaeval Holy Roman Empire as a model , which had been constituted quite differently and which was , as a result , very misleading in a number of different ways , or , hardly less disastrously , for the murky concept of the ‘ Volk ’ .
15 People never change for the better by being hated , judged and condemned .
16 Not only have the people never voted for the Prime Minister at the ballot box : they have consistently and persistently voted against him at the ballot box .
17 Teesdale district councillor Newton Wood , who is chairman of the local Citizens ' Advice Bureau management committee , has criticised fellow councillors for shaving £5,000 off £15,000 extra earmarked for the group by the finance committee .
18 So much of the music produced for keyboard and other polyphonic instruments throughout the 16th century was based on works originally written for the voice , and Marshall adeptly shows the colourful way in which they transfer to the Piffaro organ .
19 Publisher 's themed series now account for a significant part of the market , but are too many thought up by designers and marketing departments rather than horticulturalists ?
20 So , if you have a head wind component of 30 kts then timing for a 1 minute leg would be increased by 30 seconds .
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