Example sentences of "[n mass] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To be used successfully a simulation model must adequately represent the system under study and there must be sufficient relevant data available to allow for the calibration or tuning of the model .
2 Mary Lovell , who has arranged the meeting , said that as well as fund raising a support group would identify patients in the area , find people willing to sit with a patient at their home to give carers a break , and provide volunteers to drive people to the hospice or generally help at the hospice .
3 And there is no shortage nowadays of people willing to slog round the streets delivering Betterware catalogues to earn a few quid .
4 Branches should try to compile and maintain a lists of people willing to help on a casual basis like this .
5 It may also influence the long-term supply of young people willing to embark on the seven-year period of training .
6 Many general hospital units find seriously disturbed people impossible to manage in an open ward ; other patients are frightened and the whole ward may be disrupted .
7 Until now the treatment of sports injuries has been a specialist skill only available to top professionals and some people fortunate to live near a good clinic .
8 What , he asked , were the staff supposed to do with the photocopies ?
9 As well as qualified psychiatrists and psychologists , the network includes people able to translate for the refugees .
10 Stockton 's policy and resources committee has agreed to make a total of £275,000 available to spend on a bid for money from the Government City Challenge this year subject to further financial appraisal .
11 A good many men came into the room by no means inclined to acquiesce in the proposed arrangement .
12 Meanwhile , Lion Cavern , the Greenham winner , is by no means certain to run in the 2,000 Guineas , hence the lukewarm reaction from bookmakers .
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