Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] [noun] that the " in BNC.

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1 This situation is doubtless taken for granted by today 's generation , yet , less than twenty-five years ago , leading statisticians were expressing concern lest interposition of the machine would so distance them from the data under consideration that the quality of analysis would suffer .
2 Land Securities bucked the market trend , up 7p to 665p over reports that the property sector is on the edge of a strong recovery and a major revaluation .
3 Aberdeen Petroleum , courted as a merger partner by Bellwether , dipped 1p to 14p after news that the proposed tie-up was off .
4 British Aerospace was amongst the features today when it lost 12 pence to four hundred and fif , five hundred and forty one pence on rumours that the Saudis had cancelled some Tornado options .
5 21–7 " Letters were read from the secretary and convener of the Praise Committee of the Church with regard to a grant for assisting the congregation to secure an instrument to be used in congregational praise , from which it appears that the Committee were prepared to give £10 on condition that the instrument would be introduced in connection with public worship , and that the congregation contributed a suitable proportion of the cost . "
6 Cable & Wireless , whose Mercury subsidiary yesterday heralded a phone war with the introduction of a new service for London , dipped 3p to 848p over fears that the new project might in fact turn out to be a drain on profits .
7 The council told the people of Dovecot that the Harold Davis swimming pool would be replaced with a new pool and it was not .
8 Is he so politically inept that he virtually signals to the people of Scotland that the only thing which will stop this arrant nonsense is the next general election , when he and his cronies will be swept out of power and the interests of patients will be put before political dogma ?
9 It is only by means of regression that the root of such cases can be discovered and the foundation laid for the follow-up treatment .
10 It would need a profound belief in providence to make one refrain from wondering why a group of foggy islands off Europe 's north-western shores , populated beyond the means of subsistence that the islands could provide , endowed with no great natural assets outside the coalfields , should have become both the centre of a world empire and a possible arbiter of European rivalries .
11 Must we not understand by socialization of the means of production that the means of living and working belong to everyone ? ’
12 I have done my best to understand and respond to the desire of people in Cardiff that the scheme should be set out in the Bill so that Parliament can consider it .
13 Calling the tour a " complete success " , Li told embassy staff in Bangkok that the visit had raised China 's international prestige , strengthened understanding with ASEAN , and helped to promote a solution to the Cambodian problem .
14 I failed recently to convince a group of people on Arran that the ‘ eagle ’ they were seeing was , in fact , a buzzard .
15 THE VISUAL richness of Philip Prowse 's stage for his adaptation of Oscar Wilde 's novel is such as to make it the theatrical equivalent of one of those packed galleries in the Louvre , so pell mell with works of art that the task is to know where to fix the eye .
16 They crashed to 4p on news that the recession-bashed property group had plunged to a £41.6m loss ( from £7.15m profit ) .
17 A customer returns a pair of shoes that the heel has come off .
18 SHARES in Eurotunnel plunged 63p to £3.57 on news that the Channel Tunnel wo n't open before Christmas next year at the earliest .
19 A small clue is the 40% of MGM-Pathe that the bank wants sold .
20 It had been reported to the Committee by schools operating such a series of tests that the motivation of their pupils was increased because tests at different levels provide both an incentive and evidence of progress over several terms .
21 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
22 His project is to discover the series of computations that the visual system performs on the input-pairs so as to arrive at an interpretation of the ( 2-D ) array in terms of ( 3-D ) replacement , motion , or change .
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