Example sentences of "[n mass] [prep] the [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The company is spending nearly £150m across the company over the next five years to cut down on emissions from its factories .
2 Rothmans are to put over £100,000 into the county over the next seven years and will also be title sponsors of the opening home match , the Sunday League game against Lancashire at Durham University on April 19 .
3 It will argue to delegates in Kyoto that , while a Bryde 's whale is worth about ¥33.4m ( $100,000 ) in a fish market , the 16 resident Bryde 's whales at Ogata are expected to bring in ¥675m to the boatmen over the next 15 years and nearly eight times as much in hotel accommodation and assorted knick-knacks .
4 At a constant 75mph on the motorway over a distance of 50 miles , it calculated consumption to be an optimistic 28.4mpg .
5 My first political awareness of oppression was when I was discharged from the nursing corps of the army over lesbianism .
6 HUTCHISON Telecommunications has promised to invest £500m in the UK over the next four years , part of which will be used to increase the customer service department in Darlington .
7 The occasional protests by staff through the years over pay and conditions had usually been dealt with quickly , abrasions salved and healed by the implicit belief that matters would eventually improve , if not tomorrow , then certainly by the day after — and that one was still having more fun than was to be had almost anywhere else anyway .
8 Hitachi Europe hopes the move will double its 10 sales of the system over the coming year — it recently won Belgium 's Bank Krediet as a customer in a $4.2m deal .
9 The group has ploughed back £31m into the business over the last six months which boss John Roberts says should lead to further improvements in services .
10 ZOMAX , a new pain-killing drug given to a million people in the UK over the last two years is being withdrawn by the manufacturers , pending changes in the prescribing information issued to doctors .
11 " No ; unfortunately too many people in the organization over here know you as Paddy Montgomery ; if someone from Dublin wants to check up on your credentials — as they surely will — then we need to use your established name .
12 To say this is not to belittle the sincere concern shown by many religious people in the debate over embryo research .
13 Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long-term unemployment has rocketed by nearly 25pc in the North over the last year .
14 That we really are putting a tremendous number of people on the street over the course of the year , erm that the general public are facing .
15 Meanwhile , Hunt had carried out further costing work for Barry on the Houses of Parliament , and when Hall arrived at the Office of Works with the dispute over expenditure between Barry and the Office at its height , he shrewdly persuaded Hunt to change sides in an attempt to gain the upper hand .
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