Example sentences of "of whom had " in BNC.

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1 Most of Noverre 's ballets dealt with heroes and heroines from Greek , Roman and other epic sources , all of whom had characteristics in common , as do so many modern heroes and heroines .
2 LORD ALDINGTON told the High Court yesterday he was not surprised that tens of thousands of Yugoslavs , many of whom had fought on the German side , feared repatriation at the end of the war .
3 Another source of future friction lies in the failure of the congress to elevate Mr Pozsgay above other presidium members , some of whom had never been elected to a top party position .
4 Political persuasion was required to keep up the political momentum , and given the changing age profile of the electorate — many of whom had not been adults a decade ago — Sir Geoffrey warned : ‘ We 've got to choose the style to match the mood of Britain . ’
5 Dzerzhinsky had been made Commissar for Transport in the first place to deal with internal troubles among the railwaymen , many of whom had opposed the Bolsheviks in 1917 and nearly brought Lenin 's government to its knees after the October Revolution .
6 A Shadow Cabinet containing senior figures like Lord Carrington , Whitelaw , Prior , Maudling , and Pym — most of whom had already achieved office under Mr Heath , were associated with his policies , and owed little to her — was hardly right-wing .
7 He had considered what he would say long and hard , he had had discussions with a wide variety of architects , planners and journalists , eighteen of whom had attended a meeting at Highgrove in September .
8 In West Berlin the huge crowd at the Rathaus , some of whom had crossed from the East to listen to the speeches , reserved their greatest enthusiasm for the former Social Democrat leader , Chancellor and Mayor of West Berlin , Mr Willy Brandt , who told them , to wild cheers : ‘ Berlin will live and the Berlin Wall will come down . ’
9 They joined the rest of their colleagues — most of whom had already been suspended — in the rest room of Europe 's largest ambulance station , where they were watching a video of A Bridge Too Far .
10 Curiously enough , there 's even a hint of a good age for Black artists : in the 1950s , before the Notting Hill race riots of 1958 and before the era of public subsidies , when Denis Bowen of the New Vision Centre and Victor Musgrave of Gallery One consistently showed unknown international artists , many of whom had turned up in London in the post-coronation years because they had heard of the Commonwealth .
11 There were also some aggressive shouts of ‘ Down with the Communist Party ’ , ‘ Reds out ’ and occasionally , ‘ Russians out ’ from mostly young supporters of the Right , a number of whom had travelled to Dresden for the occasion .
12 Fifteen countries were represented by 30 women , each of whom had been invited on the basis of her contribution to theatre in her own country .
13 This was not difficult because his own ideas on the way forward matched those of his Chief of Defence Staff , Lord Mountbatten , and his Chief Scientific Adviser , Sir Solly Zuckerman , both of whom had recently taken over their posts .
14 The men from Big Blue originally came to Microsoft 's founder , Bill Gates , to license the programming languages that he had written for the early personal-computer enthusiasts , most of whom had built their own machines .
15 There were , in fact , many Irish Americans in United Motors at high management levels , all of whom had a nostalgic affection for the ‘ auld counthrie ’ , and indeed for anything Irish ; but that was because most of them had never actually been there .
16 Indeed , when Mosley addressed a meeting of 1,500 people at Leeds Town Hall in May 1934 it was estimated that only about 400 fascists were present , ‘ most of whom had come to Leeds by bus . ’
17 When Mosley addressed a meeting of 1,500 people at Leeds Town Hall in May 1934 it was estimated that about 400 fascists were present ‘ most of whom had come to Leeds by bus . ’
18 Open-air dancing under the floodlights , often in long mackintoshes and trilby hats , a fountain that fell from bucket to bucket like the omnipresent rain , a bewhiskered Emett railway , a tree-walk alongside a forty-foot Chinese dragon — people queued patiently to enjoy such simple pleasures whose lack of sophistication seemed very exciting to people , most of whom had never had a foreign holiday or seen café tables with coloured umbrellas or indeed any fresh paint for as long as they could remember .
19 This conclusion is supported by the replies which Michael Müller-Claudius , formerly a psychologist , received to his unique , camouflaged small sample of opinion of sixty-one Party members ( all of whom had joined either the NSDAP or the Hitler Youth before 1933 ) in 1942 .
20 The trio — all of whom had at one time endured menial jobs in factories , Stock making gaskets , Aitken fizzy drinks and Waterman manufacturing telephone dials — were now at the helm of the 1980 ’ s most phenomenal Hit Factory .
21 Even Waterman 's own trusted experts , stylist Sharron and dancer Claire , both of whom had been a backbone of Kylie 's organisation , took a back seat as Kylie took control herself .
22 These were two ex-marines , one of whom had led the trek the previous year and who answered endless questions .
23 The offences took place between 1977 and 1983 with boys then aged between 11 and 13 , some of whom had been abused by their parents before being taken into care .
24 The hospital admitted 35 people , four of whom had serious injuries — including one man with multiple injuries .
25 ‘ When I was living in New Hampshire , ’ he said , ‘ about half my friends , many of whom had no connection with the building industry , built their own houses .
26 An analysis by marital status and number of children showed that for the married the main difference was between those with no children , 17 per cent of whom had been in a residential home , and those with one or more , for whom the proportion was 5 per cent .
27 This ‘ literary ’ slant to the drama 's content is an important contrast with all previous pioneers , most of whom had given little attention to content .
28 What is more , times were on the hard side and access to the capital were perhaps critical for bondholders many of whom had now retired from playing .
29 In 1945 , the subscriptions rose from five to seven guineas ( four guineas to five guineas for ladies ) , close on a 30% increase for the Men and 25% for the Ladies only one of whom had a handicap at the end of the War .
30 Although this section of the wall was under constant surveillance by two warders , one of whom had to patrol the perimeter wall on foot taking about eight minutes , Blake was able to reach the foot of the wall unobserved where he found Bourke 's ladder , with which he made his escape , hanging over the wall .
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