Example sentences of "of thanks to " in BNC.

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1 One of the other highlights this week is a salute to George Romero ( who sent a message of thanks to the organisers urging them to ‘ Stay Scared ’ ) .
2 But the others were plainly endorsing her vote of thanks to their host rather than paying tribute to the newly-discovered ‘ communautaire ’ qualities of the Iron Lady .
3 Portsmouth1 GRAEME SOUNESS sprinted from the dugout , sank to his knees and offered a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens at Highbury yesterday afternoon .
4 A personal handwritten letter of thanks to each of the families that raise above a particular sum is important .
5 With a murmur of thanks to the portiera she stepped out into the street .
6 It is customary for a successful candidate after being elected to move a vote of thanks to the returning officer and his staff for their work in connection with the election , and this is usually seconded by an unsuccessful candidate .
7 The society obviously accepted that the resigning secretary acted in good faith , for a month later it passed a vote of thanks to Huntingford for ‘ his unremitting zeal in extending the extra connection of the Society , and in soliciting the correspondence of other Agriculture Societies and Individuals , and his Diligence in forwarding the attendance of Committees , in preparing the business of all meetings and in arranging the correspondence and other Communications to the Society ’ .
8 I had the strong feeling of help having been given so I clasped my hands and said a prayer , half mentally , half vocally , of thanks to God .
9 General Sir John Ligonier described the post-Culloden operations in Scotland as ‘ the disagreeable hunting of those wild beasts ’ , and one civilian address of thanks to Cumberland referred to his vanquished foes as ‘ wolves and tygers … mountain savages ’ .
10 ‘ And now ’ , she said , ‘ I must propose a special vote of thanks to Mr Barker to whom we all owe so much . ’
11 A word of thanks to the Marist Fathers and Sisters for their care of the Shrine and hospitality to pilgrims and all aboard their respective transport .
12 We owe a particular vote of thanks to our loyal and hard working employees for all their efforts during the year .
13 Reading this , I could have been forgiven for conjuring up a picture of the Queen Mother settling down comfortably by a television set at Sandringham , perhaps a daughter at her side , a corgi at feet and refreshment to hand , basking in the glow of my birthday tribute to her , and making a mental note to instruct the Private secretary in the morning to send a line of thanks to those concerned .
14 I would be grateful if you could publish this letter of thanks to Trilcot Ltd .
15 The meeting closed with votes of thanks to the guardians ' clerk , Walter George Daniels , and to the chairman and vice-chairman .
16 A service by Cromer 's Tyne class lifeboat Ruby and Arthur Reed II on 21 November 1990 has been recognised in a letter of thanks to the crew from the Chairman of the Institution .
17 To wind up the proceedings Commandant Vonla McBride , a member of the RNLI 's Committee of Management , proposed a vote of thanks to his Royal Highness The Duke of Kent for attending the meeting and for presenting the awards .
18 When there was no reply he went on : ‘ Then I shall ask Father McGiff to propose a vote of thanks to the speaker . ’
19 Graham Song Paddle your own Canoe Mr Baker Song Nightingale 's Trill Mrs Baker Song My Hieland Hame Mr H.May Address — Mr H.McLean Gaelic Song Gaelic Mr Sinclair 15 minute interval for a service of fruit Song Oh for the bloom of my own native Heather Miss Russell Duet Tobacco Controversy Mr & Mrs Baker Address — Mr Angus McCuaig Song Clean your boots Mr Bate Vote of thanks to the Ladies ; to the speakers & singers Song & Chorus God Bless the Prince of Wales Mr Baker & company Vote of thanks to the Chairman Anthem God Save the Queen Mrs Baker & company Song Auld Lang Syne Miss Russell & company
20 Graham Song Paddle your own Canoe Mr Baker Song Nightingale 's Trill Mrs Baker Song My Hieland Hame Mr H.May Address — Mr H.McLean Gaelic Song Gaelic Mr Sinclair 15 minute interval for a service of fruit Song Oh for the bloom of my own native Heather Miss Russell Duet Tobacco Controversy Mr & Mrs Baker Address — Mr Angus McCuaig Song Clean your boots Mr Bate Vote of thanks to the Ladies ; to the speakers & singers Song & Chorus God Bless the Prince of Wales Mr Baker & company Vote of thanks to the Chairman Anthem God Save the Queen Mrs Baker & company Song Auld Lang Syne Miss Russell & company
21 ‘ I really owe a lot of thanks to the gypsies for helping me in my start . ’
22 The Girl was explaining how she thought perhaps she ought to make some kind of thanks to them for their hospitality .
23 I 'm sure all of those who attended this year 's rally will join me in a sincere vote of thanks to Mick and Julie Turrell .
24 Mr President , fellow members of Probus , I on your behalf would like to propose a vote of thanks to John , for the very lucid explanation he 's given to us on the operations of Trent Water .
25 The widow 's ivory face , framed in its veil of luxurious black curls , seemed more exquisite than ever and Athelstan said a prayer of thanks to God for such beauty .
26 About the party — I 'd thought of making it a triple celebration : my engagement to Heather , Ma 's homecoming , and a kind of — gesture of thanks to Luke . ’
27 The seminar concluded with the drawing together of the discussions at an open forum after which , Past Chairman of APC , gave a vote of thanks to all the contributors for a useful and informative experience .
28 I have a general word of thanks to members of the Labour and Liberal Democrat parties who have given me their support and , through them , to the various councils in their areas which have also expressed support for the Bill .
29 President Rafsanjani on July 2 sent messages of thanks to about 100 governments and organizations , excluding , however , the United States , the UK , Iraq and Saudi Arabia .
30 The hum of conversation was interrupted by Richard Ryder , who called for silence for the Prime Minister , and John Major had just started a short speech of thanks to their host , not only for his hospitality , but also for his creativity , when there was a thunderous noise of shouting and breaking glass outside .
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