Example sentences of "of peter the " in BNC.

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1 He specifies 150 years because he has in mind the social and political reforms of Peter the Great in the early Eighteenth Century .
2 But in the Epilogue , as opposed to the body of Crime and Punishment , people do n't torture animals or bear the mark of Peter the German .
3 We are back in the area of Peter the Great 's reforms .
4 ‘ We ’ , the provincial society , display all the loose-end symptoms of Peter the Great 's reforms — though Dostoevsky 's overt theorizing about Peter gets left behind in the notebooks .
5 ‘ A mixture of Peter the Great and Lord Beaverbrook , ’ was Macmillan 's somewhat bemused assessment .
6 Word of Peter the Great 's skilful physicians had spread throughout Europe and Asia , and in 1715 the Emperor of China sent an Ambassador to Peter asking that an able physician be sent to his palace at Peking .
7 But the more closely historians examine the seventeenth century , the more precedents they find for the innovations associated with the name of Peter the Great .
8 The most spectacular rise in her international status occurred in the reign of Peter the Great ( 1682–1725 ) .
9 Finally , from the time of Peter the Great decision-making power was concentrated in undiluted form in the hands of the monarch .
10 However , during the reign of Peter the Great ( 1682–1725 ) , tremendous changes were introduced into every sphere of Russian life which , as far as Siberia was concerned , meant a greater element of state intervention , of dirigisme , particularly in the exploration and scientific investigation of Siberia 's natural and economic resources .
11 One aspect of Peter the Great 's reforming energy in the early eighteenth century , which had an indirect effect on the population dynamics of Siberia , was his massive use of convict and forced labour on his gigantic construction projects in European Russia , in particular the building of St Petersburg , the digging of canals and the fortification of new ports and harbours , like Rogervik , on the Baltic .
12 If the flow of compulsory exiles to Siberia decreased during the reign of Peter the Great , so did the rate of voluntary fugitives from central European Russia increase by leaps and bounds .
13 fourth , the regularization of commercial relations with China by the treaties of Nerchinsk ( 1689 ) and Kyakhta ( 1727 ) , and also the building of fortified ‘ lines ’ ( linii ) in the relatively fertile southern borderlands , created stable conditions there for trade , agriculture and settlement , as did the annexation of the rich Gornyi Altai district to the empire in 1758. fifth , after the comparative lull during the reign of Peter the Great , the St Petersburg authorities resorted with increasing frequency to the practice of exiling malefactors and malcontents to Siberia , with the twin aims of punishment and colonization .
14 The ‘ Lamuts ’ ( Even Tungus ) of the Okhotsk region fought hard to preserve their freedom , while in Kamchatka the Itelmens , whose conquest did not begin until the early eighteenth century , were subjected to genocidal slaughter by troops using the up-to-date weapons of Peter the Great 's military machine : muskets and hand grenades .
15 If the economic and social backwardness of the Russian metropolis itself is often invoked to justify the reforms of Peter the Great or the 1917 Revolution , the state of affairs in its vast eastern colony was inevitably much worse in many respects .
16 A pair of rock crystal goblets engraved with the cipher of Peter the Great .
17 Posters on every lamp post promised a personal appearance of Peter the Panda , representing the Darlington and Stockton Times , but we could n't find him either .
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