Example sentences of "of thought be " in BNC.

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1 One consequence of these modes of thought is that the service has to live out a continuous and enormous paradox .
2 In consciousness alone is it possible to confront at least some empirical properties and apprehend them directly , and if consciousness is analysed in terms of some purely non-mental notion this grasp is lost ; just as , in the analysis of thought , if the irreducible generality of thought is analysed away , our ability to think and refer is wished away with it .
3 On the representational theory nothing can be prior to a mental representation — the bedrock of thought is representational .
4 They knew the realist option but did not take it as a way out of a social impasse , because , I would argue , the phenomenalist tendency of thought is too strong .
5 From the standpoint of constructivism , the reason why associationist-representational theories so spectacularly fail to capture the essence of thought is that they ignore the fact that every thought , like every action , has , at some level , a purpose .
6 He must be thoughtful since lack of thought is probably responsible for most of the world 's difficulties .
7 Can not the sort of difficulty which the theist experiences in terms of describing God , for instance , as personal and impersonal , be justified by pointing out that attempting to think beyond the limits of thought is bound to entail stretching ordinary language beyond what it would normally bear ?
8 One must be worthy , an intense purity and refinement of thought is required , even one might say a kind of holiness . ’
9 The power of thought is everything .
10 This disagreement between the different schools of thought is more than just a storm in an academic teacup .
11 The nature of that doggie world of thought is closed to most of us .
12 But to simulate a feeling is to feel similarly , just as to simulate a process of thought is to think similarly .
13 The Moss/Pascale school of thought is down to earth .
14 Conservativism as a form of thought is traditionalist , is primarily concerned with the issue of authority and views the individual organically , as part of a social order .
15 A good illustration of the difference between the two types of thought is given by the two National Diploma students who had analysed what they wanted from a job when they had finished at college .
16 Quickness of thought is a considerable asset .
17 For what object of thought is one referring to when one is asserting the existence of men ?
18 What object of thought is the " property " of existence being ascribed to ; a property that — one assumes — such an object may but need not possess ?
19 What is here referred to as " the same " is not an item , or items , capable of existing per se , but rather a mode or species of thought ; and a species of thought is necessarily " reconstitutable " in different thought acts , or else it is not a species .
20 We can enquire into the extent to which a form of thought is rational ( How open is it ?
21 In such poems as ‘ Break of Day in the Trenches ’ , ‘ Returning We Hear the Larks ’ , and his masterpiece , ‘ Dead Man 's Dump ’ , Rosenberg succeeded in his intention of writing ‘ Simple poetry — that is where an interesting complexity of thought is kept in tone and right value to the dominating idea so that it is understandable and still ungraspable . ’
22 My train of thought is jostled by the clank ;
23 The division between two schools of thought is nowhere more apparent than in the field of Zambian foreign policy .
24 If quality of thought is important , why produce a written , quantified plan , especially when writing it up will use scarce management resources and will not be easy ?
25 So the idea that historically there was Lamarck and there was Darwin , and they were two totally mutually exclusive schools of thought is simply untrue .
26 Yeah okay I mean this is all what these schemes or what the current school of thought is .
27 The latest follower of this school of thought is Robert D. Riggs , who , in a Harvard dissertation of 1987 , tried to dispose once and for all of what he calls the ‘ dualism ’ ( a term he adopted from Mies ) , i.e. the belief in an intended difference between the two signs .
28 Hoffman ( 1985 : 345 ) reports experiments which 'suggest that the psychologically " " deepest " " level of thought is neither linguistic nor perceptual-imaginal , but something abstract , with metaphor mediating between the images and the concepts . "
29 This requires a detached intellectual process to illuminate how the culture is constructed and how modes of thought are translated into organized beliefs and action .
30 These modes of thought are so deeply embedded in the collective conscious that ten years after the amalgamations , when the chief constable ( from the south ) replaced the flat cap with helmets , a number of ex-city men could not discuss the impending change without exhibiting distress and described this event as being something of an Armageddon , even though the expensive guard-style cap of the pre-amalgamation days had long since given way to what was always derided as ‘ a cheap and nasty alternative ’ .
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