Example sentences of "of [pron] demand " in BNC.

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1 In the course of their demands to Reg Weaver , the t&gwu factory convenor , the workers from section 61 found out that although they were being paid bonuses on a target of 200 or more they were in fact entitled to bonuses on 168 ( an agreement which dated back to 1972 and would have meant £4 a week extra ) .
2 One of their demands was for a phased release of internees .
3 The pressure of their demands .
4 Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands .
5 This was based on the assumption that once supranational institutions had been set up in one economic sector , interest groups would look to that political level for the realisation of their demands , and that in time the groups would begin to appreciate the value to themselves of integration .
6 The showmen hated those whom the Cinematograph Year Book always described as ‘ the Busybodies and Meddlers ’ and thought of their demands in terms of what the Bioscope referred to as ‘ Prussianism ’ but in order to keep control of their own industry the showmen accepted many of the standards of middle-class taste and insisted that what they would provide would be for the most part family entertainment .
7 First we felt that women have come a long way given the very radical and novel nature of their demands to enter public life as individuals in their own right .
8 The Western powers and Japan , who had long been attempting to secure rights and interests in China , were now faced with a series of regimes too weak to resist some of their demands , or to see that any concessions were adhered to .
9 The strike was settled and the miners gained most of their demands , but Truman 's high-handed actions were resented by the unions .
10 However , as soon as they moved on to a more public and active presentation of their demands then councillors condemned this activity , the demands themselves were ignored , and the groups were held up to public ridicule as a threat to democracy and the general interest .
11 There now exist community groups of a greater or lesser degree of militancy which have eschewed political parties as the main vehicle of their demands ( although they often have to use them in the later stages of campaigns ) .
12 The opposition parties threatened to withdraw from the next meeting of the all-party conference on Oct. 12 unless some of their demands were met [ for first talks , on Sept. 13 , see p. 36893 ] .
13 Throughout 1990 militant Moslem groups in Jammu and Kashmir sustained a campaign of violence and civil unrest in support of their demands for an independent Kashmir or unification with Pakistan .
14 THE LABOUR leadership suffered an embarrassing rebuff when lesbian and gay rights activists won a conference endorsement of their demand for cutting the age of homosexual consent from 21 to 16 .
15 Ninety per cent of their demand is for ‘ pretty ordinary ’ packages , and his staff know how to pick their way through the brochures .
16 Environmentalists , including Mrs Douglas , now 100 years old , back the suit as part of their demand that the plantations be shut down despite the cost .
17 The revenue were thus aware from the outset that the validity of their demand was being challenged .
18 To all intents and purposes , however , they ignored the implications of their demand to enter the public sphere for the role of women in the private sphere of home and family , and chose not to confront the emphasis doctors and scientists placed on the latter .
19 What principally weighs with me in thinking that Lord Coke made a mistake of fact is my conviction that all men of business , whether merchants or tradesmen , do every day recognise and act on the ground that prompt payment of a part of their demand may be more beneficial to them than it would be to insist on their rights and enforce payment of the whole .
20 The four opposition parties announced on Nov. 13 that they were withdrawing from the parliamentary elections set for Dec. 8 in protest at the failure of their demand for a new voters ' register .
21 Union leaders , however , claimed that the management 's offers fell far short of their demand that both lecturers keep their jobs .
22 Protest strikes against living conditions included those by teachers , miners and Tirana 's transport workers , as well as a general strike in the copper mining district of Puke in support of its demand to become a free economic zone .
23 In late February the opposition parties had boycotted the budget hearings in pursuit of its demand that former Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki and former state minister Jun Shiozaki — both of whom were members of the Miyazawa faction of the LDP — testify concerning their links with the steel frame manufacturer Kyowa Company .
24 Because of its demands on our energy in dealing with gravity , we take it to be steeper than in fact it is .
25 How workers understood work , therefore , was not based on a simple perception of its demands , but was refracted through available discourses on the nature of the wider society .
26 Would the peace movement , then , be strengthened by formulating some of its demands as legal rights ?
27 Although the FIS had refused to participate in the conference without prior acceptance of its demands , which included the release of FIS leaders arrested in June [ see p. 38312 ] , it was understood that channels of communication between the government and the FIS had remained open .
28 The Social Democratic Party of Japan ( SDPJ — formerly the Japan Socialist Party ) announced on Feb. 4 that it was declaring a total parliamentary boycott of the discussion of the budget , in support of its demands that former Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki ( in 1980-82 ) should be called to testify before the Diet on the question of his involvement with the Kyowa scandal .
29 By late 1987 it claimed 3,200 of the 7,000 train driving staff , and was confident enough to launch paralysing one-day strikes in support of its demands .
30 When he took not the slightest notice of her demand Laura closed her eyes , forcing herself to breathe slowly and deeply as she desperately tried to pull herself together .
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