Example sentences of "[no cls] if we [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 S s so w if we use the same thing that we 've just done on our own house and say how can we stop it from happening , might not get a burglar alarm .
2 I was I was looking at the syllabus last night and I was working out how much we 've got to do yet and where we are an and I really do feel confident that no matter where you are in your course work situation , that if w if we planned the thing right and we sort it out between now and the summer , tha that we could well get a good few Grade A's in here and obviously work it well .
3 Price is then defined simply as : unc If we denote the profit margin as K , we can write this expression as : unc This pricing method is used in most cases where prices are determined by sellers rather than buyers ; that is , in nearly all manufacturing industry where the seller sets the price and the buyer accepts it .
4 Here is a Venn diagram of the two sets unc If we join the two sets together to make one big set , this would become set A union B.
5 Erm if we knew the answer and this problem has been going on for for nine months .
6 Do we need any training on erm If we change the line management of the adult 's team , do we need any training on next ?
7 So what we have n't made any progress on beyond , on that side of things is erm if we do the coding over in Caernarvon , where that will be .
8 Er and take into consideration er Act since nineteen eighty five but it does exist er and also tend to agree that we do need a , a , er transport policy which actually takes er into consideration all er members of transport but the main point about this and Chris actually raises the point , er he referred to shopping it if we support the terminal five erm planning application but we say it has n't been doing it , er on the consideration we get these other things which are on shopping list , then you are actually erm forcing the government that you have er , er and this integrated policy , the driving for in the long run .
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