Example sentences of "[no cls] when [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A when I go through
2 We 've been feeling for some time that our children are feeling that they 've been left alone , because er when they come to the temple they are too young to understand anything which is being explained from the stage , because er the speakers , or the preachers , have to cater for all the age groups and normally it 's for the , those who understand , already understand about Sikhism .
3 And it 's same er when I get in bed ,
4 As a Labour councillor of a rural part of Leicestershire , a very beautiful po part of rural Leicestershire erm I 've taken a straw poll amongst my farming friends and er when I talk about fox hunting they er roll and shrug their shoulders , there 's no problem and if fox hunting is er part of the culling process , they do n't have a problem .
5 and then er when you go into the room there was another big blanket .
6 I think er when you go to the hotels it 's overpriced .
7 Erm one of the best known commentators on the American president , a man called Richard Newstat er who 's occasionally known as Mr Williams because he 's married to er Shirley Williams a clapped-out Social Democratic politician of er yesteryear , erm Richard Newstat once said , well once said many things but er on this particular occasion said that er if you want to know what presidential power is , it is simply the power to persuade and that er when you look for er an American president what you need to look for er is not somebody who is clear minded , far sighted and so on but you need somebody who has the capacity the skill , the talent , to persuade other people to do what he wants them to do .
8 A lot of people like it because basically th er when you look after a police dog it becomes your pet as well , you take it home with you and you take it to work with you , and the u you 'll have a police dog for sort of like its working life of seven to eight years , so basically you 're gon na have him for seven to eight years and he becomes a fa like a family pet .
9 And if er when you arrive on an assignment every assignment has a new one of these and in fact it 's a blank .
10 and that number is on the documentation you receive when you er when you arrive at the practice .
11 I mean , the same goes when the when they seem to be organizing something that
12 they only put the sirens on erm when they want to cle clear a way through traffic .
13 Tell you what erm when we get into you can just drop me down to the greengrocer near the church because I 'm out of erm spring onions and if I wanted to add up to that bit of salad that we 've got
14 Right well I 'll start today if you do n't mind and we 'll go round in the normal way erm when we come to Pat .
15 colouring and , but its for myself erm , my husband never ever says to me oh your not wearing make-up or erm when I go to work I do n't wear it
16 Erm when I think of you and I do , when we 're confronted with the challenges in our household budgets .
17 And whether it 's electronics or physics or maths or anything else , erm when you get to the point where you 're dividing by zero , you have to say well now we leave the , the mathematical model , and we just go back to the common sense model .
18 Erm when you get to the training course
19 But if I can move on just for a second , erm when you get over and above that , we have problems where people that are purchasing those sort of vehicles can not afford , with the best will in the world , to take them in to the main agents and have a full service , although they should do , but if you ca n't afford to do that and these are the problems that we had , so we actually changed that .
20 because erm when you listen to Gardeners ' Questions
21 And I would ask you to have regard to that erm when you look at the technical criteria which we 've spent the last couple of hours looking at .
22 Er and the only reason that I thought they may have been favourable , would have been based on the principle of fair play , but then erm when you think of er companies who are making profits from year to year which were in excess of the previous years , then by the time three years expired , our members could have been in a loss situation , if indeed they had n't gone forward and argued the case at domestic level .
23 Yes , whe when you go to farmers grow plastic trees .
24 What else if I , I have to go and relieve er if I want er to only work down the cabin and it come to meal times cos we carried on dredging from six in the morning we do al all the winters round cos they eat on the dredger they used to eat three winches four winches on the dredger cos they 'd heave the dredger across the river and back again , wo when they come to meal times I used to have to go on and relieve the man what was driving that winch and I used t cos the er er chins coming round the barrel of the winch they used to override and I used to have a handle to knock them clear .
25 But when yo when you walk in the door , I mean , first Stuart knew so he that 's why he took me in , and we walk in and there 's a head waiter would you like a table for two sir would you like a non smoking or a smo and then he showed you to your table and pulled your chair , you know , I mean tha not what you expect in a tea shop or coffee place you know i ha ha and they have proper waitresses with the little hat on , you know she 'll get about four tables so they 're looking after you and even on your saucer where you had your I mean yo your teapot and everything on the saucer 's a little mat so that you do n't drip , if it drips
26 I 'm I 'm pleased it 's flavour of the month because it 's just going to show you all when w when you listen to his words .
27 Well I think it was I mean that erm we when you dredge from the Causeway I 'd say near the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all the way to Botterman 's Bay just below Pinmill and that Botterman 's Bay was that 's a place where they had and that 's where the big ships used to moor then and they used to get .. be lightened , like all grain goods and that used to be loaded into barges by hand and then when it goes so light they used to the fish with about three thousand grain in 'em and then they used to fill them up in the dock , on the same method .
28 We when you say on the bottom , sort of was the bottom put on the side slightly ?
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