Example sentences of "be evident from " in BNC.

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1 As has been evident from the previous two matches , the European team will bring the stronger hitters in the match , being an average of nine yards a man longer off the tee and hitting one green in regulation more per round .
2 Quite the opposite had been evident from his tone of voice .
3 The controls exercised by basement structure on late Precambrian and Dalradian sedimentation are evident from the regional geochemistry , with abrupt variations , for example , in titanium , vanadium , chromium , nickel , magnesium , cobalt and copper coinciding with features such as the Portsoy lineament .
4 For some , though , some of the problems are evident from the point of retirement , or even before , and for very old people , in their eighties and nineties , the chances of considerable dependency are clearly rather high .
5 The ideological dimensions of this model are evident from the racist implications drawn from it by the Oxford geologist W. J. Sollas in his influential book Ancient Hunters of 1911 .
6 It should be evident from the preceding section that the product of conception obtained half its genetic endowment from the father 's sperm , and the other half from the mother 's egg .
7 This , however , it will be evident from the foregoing , is something on which no one should count in the future .
8 Rather like Mussolini 's ‘ improvement , of the approach to Saint Peter 's in the 1930s , the Conducator wanted the full glory of the building to be evident from a distance .
9 My mother would answer inaudibly , but it would be evident from my father 's all-too-audible answering tirade that she had been gently remonstrating .
10 It will be evident from the dates of most of these references that this kind of training and the supporting research flourished in the 1960s .
11 Even if no soft-bodied fossils had been preserved in the Cambrian , their adaptive radiations would be evident from the record of trace fossils .
12 Cell division from the blastocyst stage has been rapid and , as will be evident from the above , the cells are now differentiating according to the part which they are to play .
13 It should be evident from this account that most sociolinguistic research which follows the paradigm established by Labov 's Social Stratification of English in New York City is adopting , without explicit acknowledgement , a functionalist view of social class .
14 However , it will be evident from the figures that sole practitioners account for a disproportionate percentage of the responses in relation to the percentage of firms in private practice as a whole which they constitute ( 63% and 37% respectively ) .
15 It should be evident from all this that the business must keep the closest watch on the prices of oil and gas and their derivatives all over the world , from day to day and , on occasion , hour to hour .
16 Problems ( again not attributable to readers ) were also caused by items which are not adequately identified by the pressmark supplied in their catalogue entry ( 9% ) , and by serials , of which the location of a particular issue may not be evident from information available in the Issue Hall ( 6% ) , while the sending of call-slips to an inappropriate part of the Library also caused some delay ( 4% ) .
17 This finally led John Hunter , the eminent surgeon , anatomist and classifier of monsters to produce a seminal paper ( An account of an extraordinary pheasant , Hunter , 1837 ) in which he proposed that differences between the sexes were of two kinds : those involving the sexual organs themselves , which were evident from birth and did not change during an individual 's lifetime ; and those that did not develop until the animal approached breeding age , such as differences in body size , plumage and in the tendency to be fat which he termed ‘ secondary ’ marks or characters of sex ( Hunter , 1837 , 1861 ) .
18 No notable associations between paternal or maternal occupation and leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma in their children were evident from the birth certificate data or that collected at interview .
19 It is curious that despite frequent allusion to man-environment relations by geographers , they largely chose to ignore the signposts that were evident from the mid nineteenth century onwards and physical geography proceeded largely in isolation from the hand of man .
20 Just how tough it could be for the independent producer is evident from the history of Minerva Films .
21 A production environment that sought to minimize expense was not especially stimulating to creativity , and some idea of the cynicism involved is evident from the instruction given to Adrian Brunel by the bosses at MGM that he could n't make any improvements in the film he had made for them lest his cuts shorten the film below the act 's definition of a full-length picture .
22 When the correspondence resumes in January 1897 , the change of mood is evident from a letter Helen sent to Janet Aldis the previous November from Margate :
23 Gassendi 's suspicion of the Aristotelian account is evident from his Exercises , and his study of Epicurean philosophy provided him with an alternative .
24 It is the resulting harm ( death ) which still dominates , as is evident from the fact that many forms of conduct fall within the law of manslaughter if death happens to result , whereas they would not even amount to a serious offence if a consequence less than death had ensued .
25 It is evident from this survey of English law on sexual assault that the parameters are open to considerable argument .
26 It is evident from even the most cursory reading of the Hebrew Bible , in particular the Five Books of Moses ( the Pentateuch ) , that blood , mentioned in this passage several times and with various significances , played an all-important role in the ancient Jewish belief system .
27 While it is well known that machair may extend as much as 2 km inland in South Uist , less well known is the altitude to which blown shell sand exerts an ecological influence : the dunes at Luskentyre Banks ( NG 0699 ) are up to 35 m high , while the presence of large amounts of wind-blown shell fragments is evident from the presence of charophytes in lochs on Tairaval ( NB 1135 ) ( Angus , unpublished NCC report ) and at Mangersta ( NB 0131 ) ( Biagi et al 1985 ) , both sites being more than 50 m above sea level .
28 It is evident from this that the contractors were responsible for many of the details and not a little of the basic design .
29 That she could deal with the philosophical and ideological issues related to women 's position in the family is evident from the poem ‘ Man the Monarch ’ in which she debunks the view that men 's sovereignty over women derives from Adam :
30 The tone is evident from some of the titles : ‘ Proper Ingredients for the Head of a Beau , found among the Rules of Prometheus ’ ; ‘ The Sow and the Peacock ’ ; ‘ Strephon to Celia : A modern Love Letter ’ .
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