Example sentences of "be allowed for " in BNC.

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1 This can be allowed for by the winch or car driver reducing the power slightly .
2 The method works on the principle that the art form is a healing agent but that time must be allowed for the work to be effective .
3 All capital and operating subsidies to steel producers would be banned ; limited public subsidies would be allowed for research and development , environmental improvements , closures and redundancies .
4 Haggis also reheats well in the microwave cooker ; approximately 10min should be allowed for a 450g/1 lb example on a setting of 70% power .
5 It is clear that time will be allowed for improvements to be carried out and only when it is clear that there is no prospect of the business in question being able to operate without causing an odour , which amounts to a statutory nuisance , will the court permit the issue of a writ of sequestration for contempt of court , in committing breaches of the undertaking not to cause a statutory nuisance , thus closing the business down without compensation .
6 It assumes that bills of quantities are unnecessary , that fluctuations in prices need not be allowed for , and that the nomination of subcontractors is not required .
7 Points could be allowed for each quality , and the most superior performance could be determined .
8 Casting on stitches for the ease in working cables must be allowed for when you are designing garments with many cable strips across .
9 All these factors must be allowed for , particularly in your profit margins .
10 There is great emphasis on the Church in this Gospel and time must be allowed for such a development of the Church to have taken place ( especially Matt.
11 Six weeks should be allowed for the dispatch of tickets .
12 A minimum of 35 feet must be allowed for parking the Trailer and towing vehicle , so make sure you have the appropriate facilities before contacting : Uppingham Yarns Ltd . .
13 Each node contains one letter rather than one word , thus allowing for the study of sub-word letter sequences , but to make the searching algorithm most efficient , all 26 routes from every node in the tree must be allowed for , and on average most of these are wasted .
14 Finally , for backpacking and expeditions in winter time , extra capacity must be allowed for thicker clothing , bulkier sleeping bags , etc .
15 The likelihood is that if a current course meets the UKCC 's criteria then the National Board may consider an exemption from the new rules , although this again will have to be allowed for in legislation .
16 The distance there and back is eight miles and at least four hours should be allowed for comfort .
17 Adrenalin runs fast in the Cuillin and eagerness keeps the feet moving , but it must be borne in mind that the miles are long and rough and enough time must be allowed for the return to base .
18 Conversely , because of the universal very steep learning curves with early experience , any novel enterprise is bound to have extensive teething troubles , which should be allowed for in general even though they are not predictable in particular .
19 Inbuilt grant resources for dissemination need to be sought , time must be allowed for lay versions of research to be written as well as academically respectable reports , and there should be greater opportunities for co-operation with policy makers and practitioners in discussions concerning implications of research .
20 The following considerations must be allowed for :
21 If animals are brought in from another establishment whose diurnal light/dark cycle is different or unknown a few days should be allowed for the mice to acclimatize .
22 The Divisional Court ordered that the applicant 's motion be allowed for a declaration that before asking questions relating to an offence with which a person under investigation had been charged the Director of the Serious Fraud Office had to inform that person that he was not obliged to answer such questions but that , if they were answered , what was said might only be used in evidence against that person where he was charged with knowingly or recklessly making a false or misleading statement or where the answer was inconsistent with any evidence that he might give at a later criminal trial .
23 At the conclusion of argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
24 My Lords , I agree with the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Templeman , that this appeal must be allowed for the reasons he gives .
25 At the conclusion of argument Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
26 At the conclusion of the hearing Lord Templeman announced that the appeal would be allowed for reasons to be given later .
27 All that might be allowed for in this context was that individual cases might be considered if I particularly pressed " , and it has to be added that this was in full accordance with the AFHQ instruction of 7 March which stated that " it is not the policy of she British Government to encourage any of those persons who become a British responsibility to put forward claims that they are NOT Soviet Citizens " .
28 Parsley needs far more root-room than it is usually given ; the main or tap root is rather like a small carrot , and this should be allowed for .
29 Characteristic selectivities can also , without much strain , be called ‘ ideological ’ , though something must often be allowed for an otherwise conditioned persistence of certain artistic forms embodying such selections .
30 On the procedure turn tracks , drift must be allowed for in the normal way .
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