Example sentences of "be to come at " in BNC.

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1 The Belfry was cold and wet , which gave us a taste of what was to come at Lytham .
2 It would have come , if it was to come at all , only if a well co-ordinated , centrally directed campaign of strikes , carried out by an immensely disciplined and united workforce , and backed by enough money to support the strikers for as long as necessary , could have been made to prevail against the resolute and more readily co-ordinated opposition of masters who stood to lose everything if the strikers won .
3 The revolution would have come , if it was to come at all , only if the demand for industrial democracy through the agency of Industrial Co-operation , could have prompted such a comprehensive tide of sympathetic opinion as had carried parliamentary reform over the barriers of stubborn opposition .
4 No : the revolution would have come , if it was to come at all , only if the resources available to the forces for change , the unions , had been enough to enable them to seize and hold the means of production , and if they had had the will to employ those resources ; not as a thief in the night but in a scene of anarchy and dreadful confusion of which the French Revolution would have given but a faint anticipation .
5 Their fun , courtesy of the Conservative Party , was to come at a later stage .
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