Example sentences of "be among [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Even before the sculptures were revealed to the world , artists of no less authority than Renoir and Mary Cassatt declared them to be among Degas ' greatest achievements .
2 She was certainly unlikely to be amused by ill-bred behaviour on the part of those who undoubtedly held themselves to be among Europe 's finest aristocratic stock .
3 They are not worthy to be among God 's works . ’
4 The family was later to be among Gloucester 's closest associates .
5 The family was later to be among Gloucester 's closest associates .
6 Brüggen directs hard-driven , almost consciously abrasive performances of these two symphonies that are generally thought to be among Beethoven 's more genial offerings .
7 ‘ But you , Bethlehem … small as you are to be among Judah 's clans , out of you shall come forth a governor for Israel , one whose roots are far back in the past , in days gone by .
8 A variety of factors have combined to depress demand , not the least of them being the slump in truck sales in the U.K. — Foden and ERF are among Perkins ' customers .
9 In some cases these specialized efforts are among Europe 's most successful on the world scene .
10 They include some nations — especially in northern Europe — which are sophisticated in terms of technology and policy , and are among Europe 's wealthiest nations but which are not members of the European Community .
11 They have pointed out that the marshes and mudflats of the Thames estuary are among Europe 's most important feeding and resting groups for migrating birds .
12 Cruise and Kidman are among Hollywood 's highest earners , having made about £100 million .
13 Her talents and determination in building up a company , and her love for her family are among Tim 's most cherised memories .
14 The island and its neighbour Warbah have been claimed by Iraq in the past and may well have been among Iraq 's objectives in mounting the invasion a year earlier , although there was no strong evidence of this at the time .
15 Though it has been suggested that Cynddylan may have been among Penda 's British allies at the Winwaed , there is no direct evidence for this , but when Penda attacked Oswiu in the mid-650s he is said to have been supported by British kings ( HB ch. 64 ) , principal among whom was Cadafael ap Cynfedw , king of Gwynedd ( HB ch. 65 ) .
16 A substantial contingent of men from his abbey had been among Louis the Pious 's forces in Aquitaine since the previous autumn , and when they returned to Ferrières in July 840 , they brought first-hand news of Gerard 's appointment as commander of Charles 's garrison at Limoges .
17 As a result , responsibility for Jesus 's death was transferred to the Jews — not only to the Sadducee establishment , who undoubtedly had a hand in it , but to the people of the Holy Land in general , who were among Jesus 's most fervent supporters .
18 The type served with first-line FAA units , and in the Queen 's Coronation fly-past of 1953 AS.6s from 812 , 814 , 817 , 820 , 825 and 826 Squadrons were among FAA types taking part .
19 Of course , a web of complex circumstances operated in each of these appointments against the royal will : both Orleton and Stratford , who were among John 's favoured candidates , were also royal diplomats .
20 Nothing is known of Bishop Æthelric 's connections , but it could be that if he had relatives they were among Cnut 's supporters , or that as an individual he was prepared to back the king , for he is said to have enjoyed the royal favour .
21 Five members of a policeman 's family , a soldier and an airman were among Monday 's victims .
22 13 1 ) that a man from Sybaris and another from Siris , both Italian towns , were among Agariste 's suitors at Sikyon ; and some of the poets patronized by the western Greeks had experience of mainland monarchy — Pindar and Simonides both wrote for Sicilian patrons : Pindar composed the Tenth Pythian , his earliest poem , for the Thessalian Thorax of Larisa , and Simonides had been patronized by Polykrates of Samos and Pisistratus of Athens in turn .
23 The hypocrisy of the murderers , then , is the means by which they both gained trust — ‘ Fair and noble hostess , /We are your guest tonight ’ were among Duncan 's last words — and destroyed it .
24 He has the distinction of being among Britain 's 100 richest men , and also of being the first man to be kicked out of Lloyd 's — in 1982 for ‘ discreditable conduct ’ .
25 His mortgage is among Ralph Nickleby 's transactions .
26 Zum Ritter is among Switzerland 's most lovely buildings , set among several beautifully designed guild houses in the Vordergasse .
27 The area is among Wirral 's worst jobless blackspots with unemployment at 36% .
28 But what their reaction shows is just how little awareness there was among Britain 's film executives of cinema 's artistic potential , and how little discussion had gone on about what sort of cinema British producers should develop .
29 He joined the first board of Tees conservancy commissioners in 1852 , and a year later was among Middlesbrough 's first councillors , becoming the town 's third mayor in 1855 .
30 The Savoyard knight Odo de Grandson ( d. 1328 ) was among Edward I 's most trusted lieutenants and missions of the highest significance were allotted to him .
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