Example sentences of "be among [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 You 're among friends .
2 That the preparation of a development plan should be a matter of self-training follows from those steps which the SDPP suggests , for instance , in auditing the curriculum : check whether the planned curriculum meets the statutory requirement ; identify possible gaps or overlap between subject areas ; ensure that where two or more subjects or activities are concerned with the same range of objectives , this is recognized and used positively ; analyse the curriculum for each year group in terms of curriculum objectives within and outside the National Curriculum ; decide in which part of the school curriculum to locate work leading to the National Curriculum and other school curriculum objectives ; assess how much teaching time is available and how best to use it ; compare planned provision with actual provision ; judge whether curriculum issues need to be among priorities of development ( DES 1989e : 7 )
3 Some of Mr Mellor 's favourite orchestras will probably be among companies handed over , albeit kicking and screaming .
4 Saudi Arabia and Iran , the two largest OPEC exporters , were reported to be among countries demanding that Kuwait make sacrifices to achieve higher oil prices .
5 Her father also told her that she would be among friends .
6 The outcome of the coal review will be among matters taken into consideration in preparing a national plan for meeting international obligations to limit carbon dioxide emissions .
7 Government statisticians estimate that 96 per cent of the growth in the labour force between now and 2001 will be among women .
8 After years of listening to and reading Anglo-Saxon women letting it all hang out , it was refreshing to be among women who so rigorously kept it all in .
9 What a relief to be among women who approached me positively and whose language and way of being I shared .
10 ( He would not be among strangers ; among those preceding him at that limbo for disgraced generals were the unfortunate Bapst , de Bonneval and Chretien . )
11 Harmon asked for a move after losing his first-team place to Bob Jackson , an Australian in his second spell at Wilderspool , but Oldham and St Helens will be among teams disappointed to learn that Warrington do not intend to list him .
12 Now the BMW 8-series will be among competitors in a newly bare-knuckled market place .
13 So : up there they are with us , some of them ; but here we might as well be among foreigners .
14 It is possible that I missed someone 's parenthesis , but only a promise in the editorial that ‘ the link between the party and the unions ’ will be among subjects discussed in future sticks in the memory .
15 It was pleasant to be among books again .
16 Chin said on June 17 that by the year 2000 around 90 per cent of global AIDS cases would be among heterosexuals .
17 Players will tend to perform better when they are among friends than when they are placed in unfamiliar surroundings .
18 The film , shot on location with non-professional actors , throws light on distant life : ‘ sky burial ’ and masked child-dancing are among rituals here astonishingly recorded .
19 More technology colleges , a greater scientific and business role for Teesside and 9,000 new jobs are among priorities in a ten-point ‘ manifesto ’ outlined by Stockton South Conservative candidate Tim Devlin .
20 More technology colleges , a greater scientific and business role for Teesside and 9,000 new jobs are among priorities in a ten-point ‘ manifesto ’ outlined by Stockton South Conservative candidate Tim Devlin .
21 MADONNA , EMF , GEORGE MICHAEL , LISA STANSFIELD and SEAL are among artists contributing to a new AIDS benefit LP .
22 The total number of books published in the UK has been rising relentlessly for over 10 years , but 1993 should herald a change in strategy from major publishers : Random House , HarperCollins and Reed Consumer Books are among companies to have announced that they are substantially reducing the number of titles that they will be publishing in 1993 .
23 Interviews , assertiveness techniques and use of the telephone are among topics covered .
24 Road traffic accidents are among fire-fighters ' special services , which include rescuing people who are locked out or stuck in lifts , industrial accidents , people falling under trains or threatening to leap off buildings , and chemical leaks .
25 In addition to the books already mentioned , the following are among others of value : Burke 's General Armory , published in 1842 and reissued in facsimile in London in 1984 .
26 Margaret and Michael Rustin are among others who have applied psychoanalytic approaches to children 's fiction .
27 FUDGE TUNNEL , HOLY JOY and BACK TO THE PLANET are among bands confirmed to appear at London 's Smashed !
28 British Steel , National Power and North West Water are among participants in The Pump Centre , a major new co-operative initiative run by AEA which could save clients millions of pounds by improving awareness of the latest pumping technology among component suppliers , manufacturers and users .
29 A computer database and direct marketing mail shots are among ideas under consideration .
30 The altar was discovered at the end of the eighteenth century close to the remains of the Villa of Tiberius on Capri and is believed to have been among objects looted by British troops in 1806 .
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