Example sentences of "be clear from " in BNC.

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1 Two things are clear from this very brief summary of the content of the Convention .
2 ‘ Very few people are clear from an early age what they want , but he always was .
3 One such fundamental difference is that between fine art at one end of the spectrum and design at the other ; this has been defined in terms of objectives , so that whereas in design one is working towards a defined goal with aims that are clear from the outset , in fine art there may be no defined goal other than satisfying the artist 's inner demands .
4 The implications of the recognition , on the other hand , are clear from references in eastern sources and from Cassiodorus .
5 It has been clear from the beginning that there are problems here for teachers having to assess a whole range of attainment targets across the curriculum .
6 In some cases it has not been clear from the notes to the accounts whether the directors consider that they have departed from a specific statutory rule and that the true and fair view override is being invoked .
7 It had been clear from the start that the spinster had taken an instant dislike to both Ashi and her daughter .
8 Their contention was that the constable must have a specific fear in mind ; ‘ he must be able to say which pit , which miners and when , ’ and that it must have been clear from the words and deeds of the appellants themselves ( and the others associated with them on the spot ) that a breach of the peace would ensue .
9 It had been clear from the conversation that it was n't something that concerned the gallery , but her personally .
10 The constitutional position of the European Communities ( Amendment ) Bill has been clear from the outset .
11 It should be clear from the preceding chapters that the Free Presbyterian Church is no ordinary evangelical sect ( using that term in its sociological rather than pejorative sense ) .
12 As will be clear from all that has been said so far , it seems that this short time is barely adequate for the person concerned to have dealt with all the issues involved in adjusting to the death of a loved one .
13 Whereas not all clinics necessarily do a full general examination , it is vital to the doctor to be able to examine the genitalia both externally and internally , because , for reasons that should be clear from preceding chapters , it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis without such examination .
14 It will be clear from this that a proper approach will locate not only the appropriate level at which to resolve issues , but also the appropriate problem-solver .
15 University libraries ( particularly those in the United States , but also in the UK ) tend to accumulate very large amounts of material indeed , as will be clear from reading the chapter on standards in this book .
16 Finally , it should be clear from the outset what sort of information the survey is designed to elicit .
17 It should be clear from this brief description that these issues are inherently geographical .
18 As must now be clear from the above descriptions of possible sources of documentary data , the social researcher has tremendous resources that he can call upon for use as primary data .
19 It will be clear from the discussion in the previous two sections on prey size and availability that the species content of prey assemblages can not be considered diagnostic of any particular predator .
20 It will be clear from Table 1 , that many of the symptoms seen in psychosomatic illness are also features of food intolerance .
21 It will be clear from the facts given above that this is highly unlikely .
22 It should be clear from Fig. 2.1 that the services of labour are crucial to the working of an economic system .
23 It should be clear from our list of terms above that there is quite a pronounced divide between ectotherms and endotherms , with the latter having a more varied range of thermoregulatory techniques .
24 The purpose of an audit mark or stamp on clients ' documents is twofold : it provides evidence that the document has been examined for a particular purpose ( which should be clear from the audit file ) ; and it helps to avoid the document 's being re-presented as support for a duplicate entry .
25 Nan continued , ‘ I wanted it to be clear from the start rather than having to ask every week . ’
26 It should be clear from the previous chapters that although I still had some sense of personal identity when I became anorexic , I simply did not have the opportunity or know-how to form an Eriksonian ego identity .
27 It should be clear from consideration of some of the research into caring relationships that sustaining family networks and informal care networks is complex for those who are family members , and for the professionals who are working with the networks on a regular basis .
28 That this functionalist style contains different orientations should be clear from the differences in approach and nuance between these movements .
29 It will be clear from what I have already said that I myself do not have a Christology and am not a Christian .
30 It will be clear from the description of the functions of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords that they make law to meet the needs of cases arising before them and lay down guidelines for judges in courts below .
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