Example sentences of "be sure there " in BNC.

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1 " And you 're sure there are n't any more ? "
2 ‘ We 're sure there 's no way out the other end ? ’
3 ‘ If you 're sure there 's enough room back there …
4 'You are sure there is no marker … no signs that the grave has been tended in recent months ? ’
5 Old quarry tiles can be covered as long as the surface is smooth and you are sure there is no risk of rising damp .
6 ‘ If we can prove this works , ’ Mr Dowding said , ‘ I am sure there are a lot of other farmers who want to give it a try and are just waiting .
7 There are complex reasons why doctors deny what can so easily be demonstrated , but in the case of teething I am sure there is a strong historical element of guilt .
8 Sadly both have now stopped functioning but if anyone knows of any similar groups I am sure there would be a lot of interest .
9 I am sure there is some validity in this analysis .
10 I am sure there were also ‘ pretty severe philippics ’ against some other authors and critics , especially the Snowbound school — though I have never ( as far as I know ) had any reason for personal animus against them .
11 Bloomsbury C formatted this very successfully , but I am sure there is still lots of mileage for these sexy , outrageous tales .
12 ‘ Vechey said , ‘ Only thirty-one , I am sure there were only thirty-one . ’
13 I am sure there was a different topic of conversation the following Monday morning at certain South Shropshire hairdressing establishments !
14 So next Saturday at Larne it is the PGL 's turn to host the 50th Anniversary game and I am sure there will be many people there from both clubs as they relive the memory of Dick Minnis who died on June 20 , 1952 .
15 I am sure there must be room for training in more specialised technological industries not at present available here .
16 But I am sure there will be many former BC employees at Dawdon and Murton among them who will be wondering what might have been had Clarke shown his colours sooner rather than later .
17 If this is an example of working for nothing , then I am sure there will be a flood of volunteers wanting to mirror Sir Lawrie 's sacrifice .
18 He said : ‘ I am sure there are hundreds of other people throughout the town who are struggling with rising debt problems . ’
19 Mr Bergg said he had received a number of complaints from people who received both leaflets , adding : ‘ I am sure there are many more who were equally shocked but did n't bother to reply . ’
20 ‘ I am glad the strikers themselves have supported the call for more mass pickets and I am sure there will be an even bigger mass picket next Monday .
21 It wo n't be one of the great parade horses because it 's not quite big enough but I am sure there will be lots of people who will be looking forward to riding it .
22 ‘ But I 'm sure there are others with better reasons for wanting to get rid of him . ’
23 ‘ I 'm sure there was … but I 'm not about to start psychoanalysing myself … ‘
24 ‘ I 'm sure there 's no need to worry yourself about that , missus . ’
25 He 's that late these nights , I 'm sure there must be a girl in it . ’
26 ‘ I 'm sure there 's something in it . ’
27 ‘ I 'm sure there are lots of ways you 'll be able to help them enjoy their holiday , ’ said Mummy .
28 I 'm sure there are many for whom information technology is a way of life who despise the imperfections and impurity of the English language .
29 ‘ Mrs Rossitter is an invalid , ’ she said , ‘ and I 'm sure there are lots of odd jobs you could do for her .
30 ‘ I 'm sure there 's nothing to worry about . ’
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