Example sentences of "be sure your " in BNC.

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1 And promptly had the stuffing knocked straight out of her when , his aggression not letting up , ‘ You 're sure your name 's not Mrs Barnaby Stewart ? ’ he grated — and Fabia 's attempt to bluff it out promptly folded .
2 You can sometimes get a little darkness back by a well-balanced skin diet , which I am sure your vet would have recommended .
3 But I am sure your own good sense will tell you that it is hardly practical nor proper for a girl as young as you still are to run a house alone without a companion of any sort .
4 ‘ I am sure your friends will be eager to help — once you explain to them what the money is for .
5 I am sure your grandmother would have wanted you to spend it on something that would bring you happiness .
6 I have heard that some of you are concerned about your teaching and feel that things are changing but I am sure your fears are unwarranted , as you are all able to run successful classes in your own style .
7 If you feel like showing me a few pages in a day or two , I would be pleased , and I 'm sure your other readers out there would be fascinated by a full autobiography .
8 A few years later , when a Japanese professor on holiday in England visited her in our other house in Bath , Hill House in Sion Road , he said to her , in the usual Japanese joky way : ‘ I 'm sure your son will be marrying some nice Japanese lady , Mrs Kirkup . ’
9 ‘ I 'm sure your performance is n't at all mixed , ’ murmured Rupert to Mrs Sherwood who seemed to have accepted South Sussex 's defeat with great equanimity .
10 I 'm sure your own people will want to try also , before anything goes public . ’
11 I 'm sure your husband appreciated from afar the care and ‘ antics ’ of you and your friends , the personal and loving touch that one would give to any loved one going on a long journey . ’
12 I 'm sure your husband is proud of you .
13 I 'm sure your friend will put a good word in for you , ’ which brought from her the sharp retort : ‘ Yes , he will !
14 However , medical matters arouse potent and sometimes irrational emotions , and I 'm sure your readers will have reacted very differently .
15 ‘ I 'm sure your wrong , ’ said Anna , but she remembered how Maria Jakob had said that if the money was not forthcoming she must think of something else , a way to make up to her for Melusina 's death , and she had not meant a donation to the Cats ' Protection League .
16 Your father , Dermot told us a lot of course — I 'm sure your mother would have been none too pleased , if she knew , but his first loyalty was always to the cause .
17 And if you 're setting up your own firm , I 'm sure your dear father would want me to help you start .
18 ‘ But I 'm sure your life is in danger while she 's here . ’
19 I 'm sure your enlightened civilizing mission which is bringing modern communications and industry so unselfishly to the Annamese people will make sure that no such conflict will ever be necessary here .
20 I 'm sure your father would have wanted me to tell you .
21 I 'm sure your father would have said the same . ’
22 ‘ I 'm sure your mother 's book will be excellent , ’ said Melissa crisply .
23 I 'm sure your sister can see us to the gate .
24 ‘ I 'm sure your friend will be with you shortly . ’
25 ‘ I 'm sure your psychiatrist would n't recommend suicide . ’
26 I 'm sure your friend will have no trouble finding someone . ’
27 ‘ I 'm sure your method would have been very successful too , ’ she retorted scathingly .
28 I 'm sure your company is suffering from your absence , and I 'm quite capable of sightseeing on my own . ’
29 I 'm sure your girlfriend would understand if you explained it to her properly — that I 'm Caro 's friend , not yours . ’
30 ‘ Though if you should hear anything that might be — how shall I put this — um , useful I 'm sure your co-operation will be most favourably looked upon by the prison staff as a whole .
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