Example sentences of "be necessary is " in BNC.

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1 If you have HIV and are well , the only change which may be necessary is a regular visit to the clinic or hospital for a health check .
2 All that would be necessary is that England , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland should be treated as distinct electoral entities .
3 Where do you think that more money needs to be spent ? erm well , the government are in the process of launching a massive new initiative called Care in the Community erm I 'm afraid a lot of people working in my neck of the woods find this rather well not amusing , but erm it 's slightly hysterically amusing , because the amount of money that would be needed to fund the projects that are identified as being necessary is enormous , and the government is in no way going to be putting up that sort of funds erm so it comes down to money , and particularly in this community care area .
4 The actual number of words that are necessary is open to debate .
5 In Shah 's case Lord Scarman said , ‘ All that is necessary is that the purpose of living where one does [ eg , for education , employment , health , family or merely love of the place ] has a sufficient degree of continuity to be properly described as settled ’ .
6 Beyond that , all that is necessary is proof that D did something which was ‘ more than merely preparatory ’ towards the murder .
7 All that is necessary is that the brain should be capable of imitation : memes will then evolve that exploit the capability to the full .
8 All that is necessary is that eventually the consequences , however tortuous and indirect , feed back and affect the success of the replicator at getting itself copied .
9 What is necessary is its replacement by formats of review and assessment including , if appropriate , medical and physical tests , but irrespective of age .
10 I think one of the things that is necessary is that you do need quite a strong centre within government at the moment , and , as we deal with all these complicated issues , whether they are … political or intelligence issues [ such ] as … the Falklands Isles or whether it 's something highly controversial such as nuclear power or defence or even road systems , you need a much stronger centre than we have got at the moment .
11 In order to enact a Bill on any matter , all that is necessary is that Commissioners , acting on Her Majesty 's behalf , grant the Royal Assent to the Bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords .
12 Great effort , patience and care are not required ; for destruction , all that is necessary is strong arms , or a knife or a gun ’
13 1985 ) , as if their underlying assumptions were in line with the principles of normalisation , highlights the apparent feeling amongst professionals that all that is necessary is to change the name and call what they are doing ‘ normalisation ’ and all will be well .
14 A decision that change is necessary is rationally justified when there is an unacceptable difference between a current state and a desired state .
15 If more force than is necessary is used by the policeman , that too will take him outside the scope of the duty .
16 When reference to contextual parliamentary material is necessary is also uncertain .
17 Actual violence may not be involved , all that is necessary is for there either to be a breach of the peace or reasonable grounds for suspicion that someone may commit a breach of the peace .
18 The need , he felt was to be realistic ; idealism was all very well , but what is necessary is a practical programme based upon mutual self-interest .
19 All that is necessary is that the defendant should , expressly or impliedly , ask for something in return for his promise , an act or a promise by the offeree .
20 The formula for the earnings ratio is simply +B7/B6 entered into B9 and to show this as a percentage all that is necessary is to set the cells format to percent .
21 September , said : ’ That some reform is necessary is not in dispute .
22 The test for whether treatment is necessary is whether it is in the best interests of the patient .
23 What is necessary is a medium of exchange which is generally acceptable as a means of Medium of payment for goods and services and as a means of payment for labour and other factor services .
24 In Taff Vale Railway Co v Jenkins [ 1913 ] AC 1 at p7 Lord Atkinson said : All that is necessary is that a reasonable expectation of pecuniary benefits should be entertained by the person who sues .
25 All that is necessary is to select two numbers from random number tables in the range 1 to 586 .
26 The first piece of advice that 's necessary is that you should n't just try to be fashionable by choosing juicy speeches that catch your eye without knowing the whole play and having a working idea of how to perform the speech .
27 It 's clear that the majority of not only motorists but other road users , pedestrians , cyclists , bus passengers do feel that there are serious problems in urban areas , that they do need to be tackled and that one major thing that 's necessary is better enforcement of existing regulations , particularly in two areas : one , drivers that drive badly and cause danger to others and secondly , the inconsiderate parker .
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