Example sentences of "be never achieved " in BNC.

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1 It is never achieved ; it is never enough : military power is to be developed not just for security of the homeland , but for restraining Imperialism throughout the world .
2 It demonstrates that the totalization is never achieved and that the totality exists at best only in the form of a detotalized totality . ’
3 Equilibrium is never achieved , because the market is always changing due to new information , innovation , and shocks .
4 ‘ Successful pig production is never achieved a the expense of animal welfare . ’
5 In practice , because an infinite range of frequencies or an infinite time of testing is never achieved , the interconvertibility of creep , stress-relaxation and dynamic data is not possible and approximations have to be used .
6 The craftsman was , presumably , attempting a relieved meander of three linked swastikas at each corner , but this is never achieved ( although the work to the " right " is fairly neat : pI .
7 It is now a matter of history that — notwithstanding an outlay of £150million at current prices on research and development and prototype trains — the technical potential of the train was never achieved and in 1983 the entire project was abandoned .
8 Regrettably , the plan to prepare a comprehensive Flora was never achieved .
9 The parity of esteem , demanded in 1944 between the different schools , was never achieved , and could not have been achieved , given the fundamentally Platonic attitude of politicians , teachers , and the general public , to say nothing of the universities .
10 Somehow this ideal was never achieved .
11 The ambitious goal of reducing real total public expenditure in absolute terms was never achieved .
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