Example sentences of "[no cls] [subord] i [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Well when I ca when I came you 'd gone away so
2 Er cos I think you just told us that man you know
3 Er because I think you know the erm the bedrooms on er the bottom floor , er certainly I would n't have liked to sleep , erm in a downstairs bedroom like that .
4 Erm tt whether that 's appropriate , you know , I 'm thinking of it as a first appointment just to get a general picture whereas you might be coming back to stir his memory for referrals by saying er , you know , er you mentioned here you 're a member of the squash club , do you remember I said I 'd be looking for introductions , maybe we 'll learn whether at the beginning of the second appointment you jog the memory there er you know in other words what I 'm do doing is keeping that in my mind , that you are remembering the squash club or whatever club it may be and use that later , although I did n't er elaborate on it at that , that er because I think you can go off at a tangent
5 and your point in this context , it , as I say the context in which I 've asked you to address me , I suppose you would say , erm given the matters are arguable or whatever the test is under those issues , er , nevertheless if you allow the case that 's been put up , erm , either by way of defence or by way of set up or by way of counter claim to impede the collection of funds , erm , then er you are not then you are erm , erm taking a measure which could could , jeopardize the of the objectives of this treaty , er whereas I image you will say , or you might say , I do n't know , erm , provided this does n't impede the collection of central funds erm , in the meantime , if er the defendants wish to pursue their counterclaim to trial then er , there 's nothing to prevent them from doing so
6 Er and the other thing of course would be the er very important aspect of er whether I think you can come over on the telephone right .
7 and er when I tell you that I went to the detective staff in nineteen twenty seven , then we started with our first mobile help .
8 Er did you s w w when er when I saw you when you were living in
9 You know they must be you know and a certain amount of guilt maybe that they that they did n't support the miners or you know it was something that was happening far away and maybe y like I said you gave the odd tin of beans you know but er
10 So the gradient gives you a mea If I gave you the gradient , if I said the gradient is one , what would the angle be ?
11 What where are you I 've missed that actually the the quite interesting just to briefly ask you about th erm When we s when I saw you last time , you were telling me something about actually erm a bit about yourself how what kind of person actually saying , you know , personality , what kind of things Wh how would you actually describe yourself ? say if I said to you , Erm what kind of person are you ?
12 Erm If I gave you a problem about sort of prices of apples and pears
13 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
14 And erm cos I know you 've got this drag of er , of a , of a duty on Sunday night but
15 Just learn we 'll try and find some easy ways for you to learn it erm cos I think you 're a good learner you 've learnt a lot today have n't you ?
16 Erm for example if we ha if I gave you that equation .
17 Erm because I think you can you can do a correlation matrix with say if you specify like forty odd variables .
18 And erm as I told you before we had , I had two aunts with eleven each .
19 Erm as I told you before , the original er conformation of the house was that that the cooked food was brought through that door through the screened door and into here as you see .
20 So now can you see how politically , there is a kind of political subtext to this section erm as I say you can only follow it so far down a road then you come to a dead end but I think it 's there and you ca n't really ignore it , the political subtext .
21 You did n't consider that , you er i As I say you 'd go out in the morning .
22 That 's right , yo cos I rang you to say we were n't coming .
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