Example sentences of "[no cls] [coord] i [verb] got " in BNC.

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1 Er but I 've got the potential to make a lot more money as a self employed person .
2 David has done some transcription this week , erm and I 've done a bit , erm and that 's basically , well we 've got one side of , you 've got one side of those lectures to do erm and I 've got some of the recording that I made on Thursday to do and that and that .
3 Erm what it is we 're a press agency working for the national papers and about eighteen months ago we did Em Emma 's story for the Sunday People erm and now I 've just seen the Evening Mail today erm and I 've got , you know the how she 's grown nine inches in the past eighteen months , er and just thought the story might er might take another outing and I just wondered if it was possible f for you to help us contact her er her mother at all ?
4 And that was a sad day , erm and I 've got the details , I think it was nineteen eighty one , er that it was finally bulldozed .
5 erm And I 've got a picture in here somewhere , which I 'll pass round .
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