Example sentences of "[no cls] [coord] [adv] [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 So that was one job a and then we had a big used to beg for a an old sack from the stores and open that out and er I used to wash them wash it and get it very soft and clean and hang that up and that 's the way used to clean and keep ourselves cl hands clean .
2 Er and also he had a studio , he specialized , he was very fond of children , he specialized in children 's photos .
3 Er and then we had about , ooh there 'd be about ooh twenty of us to four bathrooms .
4 There was a er And then you had bank holidays , with no pay .
5 Oh er of course they erm , they did n't believe in married women working and er they thought a married woman should be at home you see , well I had n't got any family then you see , until er after oh we 'd been married a number of years when we had , when I had my first baby and er and then I had the other one pretty quickly and er then I was glad to go out to work again when they were school age , they were n't left unattended at all er one , the elder one looked after the one , we did n't live , we lived in then but erm there was n't any pressure for me to stay at home , it was with my husband 's consent , because he knew it was helping out because rent man 's wages were n't very good then , and erm he er he finished , he finished at the pits you see and he got a job rent collecting , and he er he used to do miles he 'd cycle part of the way and then er he 'd perhaps leave his cycle somewhere and call back for it , but he used to do all the and all round there , there 's a place called and then er a lot of places er he used to do the old , is this , is this on , erm he used to do round , round the top there there were some slums there .
6 My Lord the plaintiff 's case , as you can appreciate , is that Mr had very clearly , on several occasions in mid October , er requested a way out of this contract there was a way out er under the terms of the contract by service of special notice to complete erm and yet he had been told that there was no way that they could withdraw from the contract .
7 Well they were two storey buildings , we had one office which was partitioned off for us clerks and the other half was for the traffic superintendent who was responsible , directly responsible to the general manager of the Ipswich Electric Supply and Transport Departments , so erm and then we had another office adjoining that which was a store room because in those days we used to have to erm record and keep in safekeeping all lost property , no end of things we used to have but we , you know , we used to have pigeon holes and lost property that was brought in , was placed into these pigeon holes it 'd be Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday .
8 I ate three cakes erm and then I had another one at two o'clock .
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